2013 – The secret to doing it properly.
At a Conscious Club event earlier in the year Dr Joe Dispenza spoke. As soon as he got on stage he asked the 400 audience members to put up their hand if they believe their thoughts create their reality. Being at an event called Conscious Club you can safely assume that most put up their hand. He then asked the question, ‘Of those people who just raised their hand, who consciously and intentionally create their day when they get up?’
Hmm. Now that’s an entirely different question.
He then went on to explain that when we experience a thought a chemical reaction is set off inside the body. It happens in a matter of seconds. Thoughts fires off a set of circuits in the brain which causes chemicals to be released, it is these chemicals that make us feel the way we are thinking. I.e we think a happy thought – happy chemicals are fired off – we experience a happy feeling in our body. Vice versa, think a sad thought and your body reacts by feeling, well sad. Try it.
Joe states that feelings also become the means of thinking. We evaluate every circumstance based on how it’s going to feel. If we don’t like how the circumstance is potentially going to feel we then decide not to embrace it. And as the brain is always trying to predict the future we then prevent ourselves from thinking and doing certain things because we don’t want to feel a certain way.
The question is though, do we really know HOW WE WANT TO FEEL?
Introducing Danielle LaPorte and her Desire Map which is all about tapping into that FEELING space. http://www.daniellelaporte.com/thedesiremap/
Reading Danielle’s written word is like reading the book MY inner goddess has personally written for me. They are the words I understand on a soul level, but need to read in order to integrate them on a physical one. I think I screen shot every second page of her book. Every line is quotable. The words resonate at a deep guttural level, often bringing tears, this woman is on to it I tell you.
In the link above you can listen to the intro of her program, this alone is insightful. She explains how she manifests and sets her intentions (goals) for the year ahead. It’s not your usual mind mapping, list writing sort of exercise.
She strongly advises that before any list writing and goal setting commences you identify how it is you WANT TO FEEL when achieving these goals.
All the stuff we want outside of ourselves is due to an Innate desire to feel a certain way.
– Danielle LaPorte
She explains:
How you want to feel is the most potent form of clarity you can have.
Everything we do is driven by the desire to feel a certain way.
These feelings are the road signs to your soul.
When you get clear on how you want to feel the pursuit itself will become more satisfying.
– Danielle LaPorte
I can relate to ALL of this, for with the Kinesiology work I do it is all about creating that feeling sense. It is the chemical reaction (vibration) of the feeling which attracts an external reality to match the wanted feeling (i.e. chemical/ vibration). This is why clients report their realities changing after a session. This is what we are doing. We are together energetically aligning you with your wanted reality. It’s cool stuff.
As a Christmas/ New Year/ For the heck of it present to myself I purchased Danielle’s program. It’s wonderful. It’s money well spent. It provides a beautiful heart-felt framework to access the parts of you that need to be accessed. It allows you to tap into your core desired feeling space. It’s really fun and wonderfully indulgent.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
– Rumi.
So, working with this strange pull – I put fingertips to keypad and started working through the Desire Map workbook to uncover my core desired feelings for 2013?
This is what I uncovered…
I want to feel Connection
Connection for me, whether it be with family, friends, clients, mother nature, source, my own spirit, is when I feel most alive and all tingly inside. Connection feels purposeful and cheeky and down right magical. When I feel connected it feels like a big bright smile that starts in my cells and moves through my insides and radiates out of my face. Connection for me is about synchronicity and flow and therefore trust. When I feel connection I feel like I’m living. It’s vibration at it’s best. It is giving and receiving all at once. It’s my greatest source of Gratitude.
I want to feel Wisdom
Wisdom for me is the Lioness within. It is strength and surrendering and knowingness. It is power and it is standing tall in my power. It is respect of generations and lifetimes past and it is respect of my past in this lifetime. It is being able to make choices and decisions from a place of wisdom – of knowingness and detachment. It means being present and using all of my senses in each and every situation. It is the joining of the dots with ease, no resistance.
I want to feel Truth
Truth for me is the teacher and messenger inside. It is power, instead of force. It is the inspiration, the understanding, the communication. It is the commitment and determination of constant learning and sharing. It is integrity and honesty and authenticity. It is a sense of wholeness and oneness. It’s been said that you don’t truly understand something until you’ve taught it . I want to teach what I know to be the truth by which I live, in order to share and in order to understand it more. To feel truth is to be of service. It is to give back. It is the reason for being here.
I want to feel Radiance
This is a big one for me because I know the things that make me feel radiant and the things that do not. It takes commitment to feel Radiance. Decisions that nourish my body and soul from the inside out. Radiance is pure and bright and light and joyful and it attracts. It is passion and curiosity. It is a magnet for other things radiant, abundance of all things. It is humorous and joyful and cheeky and steady and constant. It is a shining light.
To live from a place where these 4 feelings are the focus point, I have to say, sounds pretty enticing. It also means that my intention setting and my decision making comes from a place situated in my soul, not in my head. I do believe this is where I/we get into trouble. I have a tendency to over think things and it’s exhausting. As Joe says, if how we feel generates our thoughts then these 4 core feelings are going to drive me to create thoughts in alignment with them. Which means my desired feelings are going to create more desired thoughts and intentions and ultimately a more conscious and intentional reality.
Since attending that Conscious Club event I’ll often think, right, what’s my intention for the day? And I’ll proceed to rattle off 3 things. Sometimes they stick and my day does pan out accordingly, other times I get bored after the first intention and give it a miss for the day. Having identified these 4 core feelings above I’ll be able to see if the way I commence my day and see is pan out changes. I’ll let you know how I go.
If any of this strikes a bit of curiosity I’d be honoured to help you intentionally create your ‘goals’ for 2013 from a feeling based place. It’s an exercise that resonated deeply for me. If it does the same for you please get in touch. It’s fun stuff.
Happy New Year peeps. Love, Blessings and Gratitudes to all.
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