Post Archive: November, 2012

Dear Universe, I’d rather be drunk…

I just re-watched Oprah’s interview with Marie, Mastin and Gabby. The first time I watched it I knew I would have to watch it again. The messages that weave in a out of the episode are wonderfully potent – I didn’t want to miss a single sentence. As always, the signs are everywhere for the taking, but in this past…

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Leaving on a jet plane

The perfectionist in me needs to make a shout out to those who subscribe to my blog. Firstly, thank you for subscribing and secondly I didn’t realise you could save and then preview your blog rather than publish and preview – so apologies to those who have been receiving my blog in their inbox with a rather incomplete blog! Technology…

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Rejection – it hurts

I had a bit of an ‘ah ha’ moment over the weekend. An ephiphany if you will. And like all good epiphanies once they become apparent, you realise just how long you’ve been hanging on to a way of being that no longer serves you.  My ah ha moment – I so ain’t cool with rejection. I’m not. I fear…

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A love story

Before Kinesiology and I fell in love, I was…. Anxious, Manipulating, Self critical, Gossipy, Insecure, Unhealthy, Tired, Stressed and Un-self aware. Not all the time of course. But I was living unconsciously and it didn’t bode well for my reality. So what is Kinesiology exactly? What is it about this incredible modality that sees people tap into and admit the…

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