Post Archive: October, 2012

You don’t do life by itself, you do it with other people

This weekend I experienced something that teachers have been telling me since I did my teachers course – ‘you don’t really learn something until you have to teach it’. Each week when I sit down to write this blog I think to myself what is that I’d like to share? What is it of relevance that I’ve experienced or observed…

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It’s actually simple

I had my baby sister’s wedding on the weekend. It was pure magic. Everything went to plan, she looked stunning and most importantly she was happy and relaxed. Growing up it was endless playbacks of Walt Disney movies, namely Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, that sort of thing and I have to say she got her fairy tale wedding….

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Risky business

‘If you’re wondering why your life never changes it could be you’re holding on too tight to order and safety’. #TheSW I came across this quote on Twitter during the week and it got me thinking. I’ve been working a part time job for the past few months, which I’m deeply grateful for. It has served me wonderfully. However over…

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I can’t be arsed

I’ve noticed over the past 6 months with clients that sessions tend to have themes. Whether it be Chinese element based themes (for instance everything at the moment is in the Wood element for clients and funnily enough the Wood element represents Spring – blows me away), or the same type of balance (there are a possible 200 that could…

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