You’ve been lied to.
Something that comes up a lot in client sessions is the following:
Fear of failure. Fear of not doing the right thing. Fear of being wrong.
I would like to challenge this notion.
What if we were to remove failure from our vocab? Replace it instead with feedback? All of a sudden the intention driving everything we do is one of exploration. We move towards everything with an open heart, trusting, inviting, experiencing. Receiving feedback and tweaking life as we need.
Remove failure, remove being wrong, remove perfection and all of sudden you have life.
One of my all time favourite quotes is ‘what if everything we think is wrong is right’. I love it. It’s perspective. It’s peace. It turns everything on its head in such a good way.
Fear is necessary. It’s a good thing. It’s our warning system. Its intentions are good, but that doesn’t mean those intentions always serve us. Our fear is there to be managed.
How do we do this? We challenge it. We step out of our comfort zones, we stretch our boundaries, we exercise our trust muscle. We move through life with the intention of trusting in self, trusting in the Universe, trusting in life.
When we want a certain outcome before we even start we totally thwart the process. We’re not meant to know the outcome. Drop the need to know and watch your anxieties fall away. And then take action. This is where all the power lies. It’s in the doing. Not in the talking. Not in the dreaming. This is of course part of it, but honestly, it’s in the action that the magic happens.
I invite you to check in and ask yourself where you’re holding yourself back for fear of failure. Picture your worse case scenario. What is it that you fear the most? Now ask yourself if this worse case scenario was to happen could you see it as feedback only? No right or wrong, no good or bad. Just feedback.
I bet you could.
Photos thanks to Pinterest
Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Surry Hills and Crows Nest. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.