You write about it, you live it.


‘Hold on lightly not tightly is the Aries eclipse message. Maintaining a light attachment to relationships, situations and outcomes proves wise’.

We’ve just had an eclipse and so when I came across this on the weekend I had to laugh. After writing my post last week about detachment and the power of it, the peace and centerd-ness that comes from being in this place, my experience went to a new level – of course.  You write about it, you live it. It’s the way it works!

But before I delve into my new awareness – a little bit of kinesiology to make sense of it all…

In Kinesiology what we are ultimately doing is getting the body, soul and mind back into a state of equilibrium. We’re working with the principle of homeostasis. I.e it is a process in which the body’s internal environment is kept stable, despite changes in external conditions. The body knows what it needs to get itself back into balance. It does. So as the practitioner it’s my job to read the signals and give the body the helping hand it needs to get back into this state of flow.

Traditional Chinese medicine states that when the energy is flowing through the body as it is meant to,  we are in the best position to live a life of vitality and happiness. When it’s blocked we experience discomfort, not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

And so I was in class learning away and we were looking at the different balances that can come up in relation to one particular issue. That is, you might have one muscle indicating an imbalance and so you begin balancing it, to then find out that within that imbalance there is another imbalance and so you balance that. And then you recheck the initial imbalance and sure enough something else has come up as a result. And so it keeps going. This is life. Balances are reflective of life. Stuff is constantly coming up and we’re constantly shifting it. 

And this is where my lesson of detachment came in.

I want nothing more than for my clients to receive shifts. Massive ones. I want them to live their lives like they have never before, breaking through comfort zones, being consciously aware so that their flows outweigh their ebbs. Living their potential to the max. But herein lies my attachment.

My attachment to my client’s results is on some level a reflection of my need for outside validation. Of course, the core and guts of  it, is I want people to experience a life of grace and ease, to receive the same benefits I’ve experienced. But I’d be foolish to discount my ego in all this.

I spoke to my kinesiologist recently and asked her advice about a particular client and her response was ‘I’d be looking at your attachment to them having the outcome YOU think is best for them’. Boom!

We are such incredible, gorgeous, multi layered beings having a totally soulful experience. Therefore, the power lies in not labelling ANY of our experiences as good or bad – rather they just are. And it is in this process that we are able to further detach.

So with this awareness of my attachment to my clients outcomes, I am consciously attempting to be the compassionate observer, of myself and of them. That is taking a step back so I can detach and witness the experience through a different lens. I’m allowing myself to be the conduit, the channel for source to work through.

In Kinesiology we often say ‘trust the process’. Detach, observe and trust. It’s the basis to ebbing and flowing!

Where can you apply your own lesson of detachment? Here’s a clue, if you’re currently experiencing pain, resistance, anguish – consciously take a step back. And then tune into a new intention. The intention being detachment. Because at the end of the day, it all starts with an intention.

Then see how things unfold.

I’ll let you know how I go.


Photos thanks to Pinterest

Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Surry Hills and Crows Nest. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.