Workshop // Meet your Power Animal

I spend a lot of time connecting and being in conversation with my guides.
Guardian angels. Power animals. Light beings of various forms.
At first it was pretty weird, to be honest it’s always pretty weird. But I’ve gotten used to the weird, and the thought of not having this connection with the energetic and angelic realms leaves me feeling sad and bored.
When Shamanism came on my path my ability to understand the guidance I was receiving and most importantly to trust the guidance, increased tenfold.
And the simple truth is – we all have the ability to connect with our guides. All of us. We just need to find our way in doing so and stick with it.
So many clients will ask me ‘How do I trust my spirit, my intuition, my guides?’ The Meet Your Power Animal Workshop is exactly this – an opportunity to connect with yourself and the multi dimensionality of your existence.
It’s simple, it’s graceful and it’s fun.
It requires nothing more than turning up, lying down and listening to the drum – a rhythmic beat to assist you into an altered state of consciousness. Once you’re in this state you’ll be met by a power animal, a guide or guides… and magic then unfolds. And by magic I mean direct guidance, healing, a channel opens through which divinity flows.
The workshop is $120. You’ll also receive an essence and meditation on the day, for continued support.
The thing to understand with your guides – they’ve been assigned to you on a soul level. They’re available to assist, support and guide you. That’s their job and they want to do their job. Our responsibility is simply to acknowledge (with gratitude & reverence) their presence. To invoke them, and honour the relationship.
This workshop will assist you in doing so.
Hit me up if you’re interested 0408 359 922.
For more reading on the workshop and what to expect… Read here.