What’s your soul trying to say to you?

If you know you have a soul purpose, a potential you’re yet to truly action, please read this post.
And if you’re wanting to attend the next shamanic Meet your Power Animal Workshop scroll to the end for more info.
So, if you read these sorts of blogs you’ll be conscious of the fact you have a soul. And that your soul has a purpose. Something to fulfil this lifetime.
And it can be incredibly frustrating and distressing when you’re not able to quite work out what that is, or how to fulfil it.
Life experiences from our past get in the way of being able to hear and trust the guidance.
Limiting beliefs hold us back from following through on guidance received. If received at all.
We make excuses. Put it off till tomorrow.
We feel inferior and shrink away from life.
We get so lost within ourselves we stagnate.
It’s awful. It’s a type of pain that’s debilitating and soul destroying. And this time of year sees us reassessing where we’re at. Making promises and resolutions. Stating ‘This will be the year…’.
But in truth, we need help doing it.
I’ve being doing this course Believe in Yourself and be Magnificent through the Resonate Essence gals. It’s an 8 week course of which we’re half way through. Being totally honest – I hate group spiritual things. The sharing. The collective clearings. I don’t like it.
But, this course is run by two women I respect so highly for their integrity, their truthfulness and realness, I didn’t give it a second thought. And I have to say it’s been one of the most powerful things I’ve done this lifetime. Massive call, but true.
The support I’ve received, on a soul level, words simply can’t explain.
What you can expect is to be held in such a powerful way, your spirit will talk directly to you, with clarity and purpose and love. When you tap into the energy of your soul – you have a direct experience with the unconditional love and light that is truly gifted to us from the divine.
This isn’t just a course where you journal and write down ideas, hopes and dreams – to then store them away.
It’s soul work. To open your channels to the light.
The truth is…
You have a purpose. A truly unique one.
You are gifted. So gifted. Therefore your blocks need to be acknowledged and cleared.
You have work to do here and it can be graceful and kind and fun.
If any part of you said Yes while reading this… then click the link. Feel into it. You’ll know if you need to do it.
Meet Your Power Animal Workshop
I started this post stating you know if you have a soul.
And if you know you have a soul then you’ll know, or should know, your soul has specific guides assigned to it. Guardian angels. Angels. Guides. Light beings. Power Animals. Lots of different forms that are connected to the highest order of divine light.
It helps the soul to be connected and aligned to these beings. Cause…
They communicate with us (constantly)
They do healings on us (when we ask for them)
They guide us (we just need to receive it),
They support us (always)
A lot of people scoff at this stuff, let them scoff, not every soul in this lifetime is meant to know their guides. Which is cool. But you’ll know if you are.
Have a read of these two posts to get an idea of what it’s all about.
Next workshop is Sunday February 4th. 10am – 2pm $120 includes an essence.
And if you’ve already completed a workshop and want to attend a drop in class… I’ll be here smudging and drumming Sunday 28th 10am -12pm, $20. Come for a journey.