We are expressions of the Divine.

I received some seriously nice testimonials this week.

To get the dense human ego response out of the way – it felt great. To know you’re part of the process of people recognising that they’re not their fears, their stories, that they can truly achieve all they desire. It’s pretty damn rad. I often have to pinch myself. Often.

But after receiving one of these testimonials my ego didn’t even come into play. Instead, this happened…

I was waiting for the train, checking my email when I read the kind considered words from a client of mine. After reading it I noticed this force move through me, literally move through me. All the hairs on my arm and neck stood up and my legs tingled, I felt lit up.

And then the following thought passed through me

Can you believe the universe works through us to express + experience itself?

And I was brought to tears.

I want to invite you to consider this statement.

We are expressions of light, of divinity, of joy. We are pure in our essence and we are so connected to a force that is all loving, that is totally cheeky (it has a wicked sense of humour), that is truly and unequivocally abundant. It is us and we are it.

All it asks is that we have the courage to look inside ourselves to remove the illusions that we are anything but.

I am honoured, privileged and humbled to be in the position I am to work so directly with breaking down these illusions. For being part of the process of clients realising that without the story, without an energetic block, that they can turn up feeling whole and complete and connected.

I don’t write this thinking I’m more special of gifted or privileged than anyone else. My gorgeous tribe which is made up of mothers, graphic designers, landscape designers, yogis, child care workers, thought leaders, managers. All of these, are expressions of the divine. It expresses itself in everything we do.

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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.