Wanna take a nap?

For those of us who take great pride in achieving, of being of service, of feeling useful – we can run the risk of life with little play.

For me personally, I get addicted to that dopamine hit, that juicy reward neurotransmitter. To the point where if I’ve had a highly productive day writing, creating, organising my life, my business, I can almost feel disappointed when the day comes to a close. I’ll feel deflated.

This is something I’ve noticed over the past couple of years and it’s something I’ve learnt (and continue to learn) to work with. To trust when I need to pull back, when I need to get out, go for a walk, take a road trip, organise that coffee date, that lunch etc.

So of course, when I get an influx of clients experiencing the same thing I sit up and pay attention. Tune in to where I also need to slow down. Thank god for reflections.

One of my gorgeous clients came in for a session to align with achieving more. Doing more. Being better. And yet what came up in the session was giving herself permission to do nothing (her homework was to tap and repeat (I’m ok doing nothing’). Which totally went against the grain. To give herself permission to kick back, to trust, to indulge in a little bit of a R&R made her feel uncomfortable, anxious and out of sorts.

If we don’t feel like we’re achieving then where does it leave us?

Surprisingly (although not that surprising), after doing the homework, tapping away, she actually reported that she felt even more energised and more aligned with her work than ever before.


The beauty of kinesiology is that when we stop resisting, when we allow ourselves, give ourselves permission to do what we NEED, we often no longer feel the desperate need for it.

And then of course, like magic, I received this in my inbox…

“In the beginning:

Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, play.

Upon discovering how to spiritually do more, be more, and have more:

Work, play, work, work, play, work, play, work, work, play.

Upon discovering you don’t have to do more, be more, and have more:

Play, play, nap, play, play, play, play, nap, play, play, play.

Clare, let your player out –

The Universe”

It’s a massive thing to hear what our body, our spirit, our being is saying to us. And it’s another thing to totally listen to it.

Is there a whisper or even a shout you’re not respecting? Could you go against the grain and give heed to what it’s saying? You might just find it’s exactly what you need to recalibrate and get you back in sync with yourself and life again.

For clients who would like to make the most of an in person session before I head off on my European adventure get in touch as sessions are filling up very quickly. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922.


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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.

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