Virgo New Moon – Cleanse. Detox. Release.

Every month, with each cycle of the lunar phases we’re given the opportunity to cleanse and clear, and re-align ourselves and our energy.
Whether we utilise these forces is completely up to us, but they’re there for the taking.
On September 9th we have a new moon in Virgo.
This particular cycle gives us an opportunity to really cleanse, detox and release.
Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. And, Spiritually.
Each a layer of its own, interplaying and interspersing with the other. So to clear one, you’ll be helping the others.
To work with and magnify the potency of this new moon you might want to do the following…
Physically – clear out your space at home. At your work. Move your body. Get your heart rate up. Do a cleanse or detox. Get outside … be in nature. Feel the earth beneath you. Get a lymphatic massage.
Listen to your body and pay attention to the physical world around you.
Emotionally – take responsibility for your emotional health. Be vulnerable with a friend. Get yourself to therapy – of any kind. Treat yourself to a session of sorts… give your emotions a voice, so the charge around them can be neutralised.
Gain the wisdom from your emotional response – and then move on…
Mentally – journal every day for a month. Get your thoughts on paper. Become aware of the story that plays on repeat. Learn to recognise it as a story. Become an observer of your thoughts – (see Spiritually). Detox your mind.
Also, keep a gratitude diary so you can shift your focus to the positive.
Spiritually – life always seems (is?) more difficult when our connection to our spirit has become blocked or severed. How do we reconnect? We meditate. We journey. We had a Kinesiology session. We go to yoga. We get out in nature. We read inspirational text.
Get to that class. Sign up for that course. Create a sacred space at home in which to meditate/ honour your spirit and team of guides & helpers.
If for the month of September you really honour the energies of Spring and the energies of this new moon… you’ll create beautiful, luscious space for … more of what your heart and soul desires.
Make the commitment to yourself – see what happens.
I’m back in Sydney.
Kinesiology Sessions. Wednesday – Saturday, 7:30am – 5:30pm. Get in touch… would love to share the Kinesiology love.
Virgo New Moon Shamanic Journey Session* – 9th September / 5pm – 7:30pm / $50 (includes a Resonate Essence to take home). <Read More>. Only 2 spots left.
Next – ‘Meet your Power Animal Workshop’ – Sunday 23rd September. 9:30 – 1pm. $120. <Read more>.
Next – ‘Shamanic Drop In’ class* – Sunday 23rd September. 3-5pm. $20.
* This class is for those who have attended the Meet Your Power Animal Workshop before.