Trusting your intuition. How?

I get asked a lot ‘How can you tell when it’s your intuition and not your ego?’.
And the very short answer to this is – You just know. Honestly. This is the answer. And I know how annoying this is to hear.
When your intuition is speaking to you. You do just know.
This doesn’t help much though if you just don’t know.
So, I’m going to attempt to offer guidance around this. And the reason I say attempt is because I believe there are no hard and fast rules. I believe it is a truly individual process, one that takes time and patience and commitment and exploration.
But first, a little bit of background to help explain my history with the intuition love…
When I was in Kauai this year my teacher was doing some work on me and he intuitively received some guidance. And for some reason I was compelled to ask ‘How did you just know that?’. To which he replied ‘I just know’.
And this ‘I just know’ wasn’t said with arrogance, or righteousness, it was said with trust and truth.
If I look at the evolution of my journey with the healing arts, it’s gone from Life Coaching & Counselling to Kinesiology to Shamanic Healing.
Discovering Kinesiology was (literally) a god send, because it allowed me to work with info and tools and resources that got me out of my head (for me, coaching = being in my head). I was able to muscle test from a plentitude of resources, which meant I got myself and my head out of the way.
And then as time went on my intuition grew stronger. Which meant sessions became a mix of muscle testing and intuition.
But my ego, god love her, was still super strong and disbelieving.
The number of sessions I finished where I thought ‘Did I just make that all up?’. Honestly, it was exhausting.
And then came the gift of Shamanic Healing. Shamanism helped me to open up and trust the guidance being shared. It taught me to drop into my intuition and receive the guidance, with trust.
You talk, spirit listens. Spirit talks, you listen.
Having a relationship with your intuition takes time. It’s a relationship after all. And it’s a muscle that requires commitment and determination.
And so there are a few home truths to make the whole thing a little easier.
When you ask a question, and the answer pops in – I’m talking the 1st answer, not the 2nd, 6th, or 20th, the 1st. When the 1st pops in, this, THIS is your intuition. And she’ll be gentle and soft. She’ll whisper to you. She will not compete to be heard. She is and will be your 1st response.
On that note – Ask Sincerely. Insolence isn’t received well. Nor should it be.
Create the much needed space to hear her. How do you do this? It’s not for me to tell you. You need to find your own way. My way is meditation, journeying, writing, staring at trees, staring at art, being alone. Choosing to be alone. Travelling – solo. Sessions. I. Need. Sessions. Not everyone does. But I do. They get my out of my head and connected to my intuition. To this day my heart still flutters on the morning of a session.
You open yourself up to using ALL your senses to receive the messages. I always thought I couldn’t see things. As in, I was waiting for the visuals to appear right out in front of me, like a holographic image you see in the movies. When my teacher’s wife said she sees things in her mind’s eye I realised I had been seeing things all the time. And for those of you who work with me you’ll know I twitch and shake and move a shit load when I receive guidance – it’s a visceral tangible experience for me. And I hear through thoughts. I’ve learnt to know when it’s me talking and when I’m being spoken to. The voice is – different. But again, this is for you to explore and play around with. How your senses respond will be individual to you. Honour and celebrate this. Don’t compare.
Drop the question ‘But how do I know I’m being told the right thing?’. You don’t. You won’t. Not until you start trusting her and seeing where she takes you. Then, through experience, through the building of your relationship you will be able to tell when it’s right or wrong.
Your body will tell you. This will be your certainty. There will be an expansion, not a contraction in the response received. And it will be subtle, oh so subtle, and over time you will start to recognise the subtle as truth. You will start to respond, ‘I just know’. Cause you do.
Be curious and playful. Childlike. Be in awe and wonder. And be trusting. Choose to trust. This is where it all begins.
That day in Kauai when my teacher said ‘I just know’. I chose from that moment to just trust. He was doing it, I could too. I started to give all the nudges and signs and imaginations the benefit of the doubt… and hand my heart, the magic that opened up to me…. Just choose to trust. Start there.
From my intuition to yours, love x