This blew me away.
I watched the doco ‘I am’ the other day. If you haven’t seen it – see it! It’ll blow your mind, it’s that sort of doco.
In the documentary they talk about the heart being the first brain. Which I’m sure you’ve heard before. And did you know that the heart produces 5000 times more powerful electromagnetic currents with the rest of the body and beyond than what the brain does? That’s pretty big.
So in this doco Tom Shadyac undergoes an experiment in which he is hooked up to a brain monitor and exposed to various photographs which are either of a negative nature or of something totally neutral, like a coffee mug.
They ask him to close his eyes as the first photo appears. With eyes closed they monitor his brain. What the monitor reveals is an intense response from the heart. It shows that the heart is picking up on its surroundings before the eyes and brain even have a chance to register it.
‘What the great religions and philosophers have been saying is the heart really is the primary axis point to what one can call your spirit or higher self’.
The more we operate from this heart space the more fulfilled we are going to be. I truly believe it’s that simple.
It receives info faster than our brains and communicates things 5000 times more powerfully. We need to tap into this potential.
And when you understand that the brain and mind are merely our filters to the world it makes you wonder as to how much we’re not letting in. How much we’re rejecting from our heart’s communication.
And so as life would have it I was running a workshop on the weekend that finishes off with a reminder of the power of gratitudes. While speaking about the truths of gratitude and reflecting on the many blessings in my own life I was reminded of the power that gratitudes have on the heart. And as a result I witnessed myself dropping into it. I could feel its expansiveness, its power.
And so the ah ha moment happened. I realised that to drop into my heart space I need only spend time being grateful and speaking of gratitude.
It takes such little effort to tune in and give thanks for all the good in your life. Such little effort.
I started being consciously grateful on a daily basis years ago. And by years I only mean 5 or 6. But I started it and I never stopped. Life keeps opening up in such a graceful way that I know being grateful is the golden ticket.
I want to live from my heart space. I want to master my mind, I want to understand it for the filter it is. I want to live in the highest vibration I’m destined to.
Learn to tune into your heart space. For me, I’ve discovered, it’s gratitudes. For you it might be something else. Find out what it is. In the meantime though… give the gratitudes a go.
With love and thanks, Clare xo