These are a few of my favourite things…


Laughing uncontrollably with friends where words and half sentences are enough to keep you in hysterics.

When the train comes – just as I get to the platform.

When I sneeze and then discover a tissue in my bag.

Iphones. For making life so much easier.

Airports. Taking off. Arriving. Meeting and picking up friends.

Random encounters with strangers who end up being friends for life.

Finding that something special on sale.

Running into someone I was literally just thinking about.

Facebook emails from people overseas.

Blogging away while it rains outside.

Seeing parents after not seeing them for a while.

Home made soup.

Belgium chocolates.

Being vulnerable – with friends.

Being vulnerable – on my own.

Feeling heard, really heard.

Chats with flatmates.

3am skype calls with friends overseas when I can’t sleep.

Road trips.


Clean washing.

A freshly made bed.

Flanalette sheets.

Hair cuts.

Dandelion tea.

Talking to the trees. Talking to the sky.

Signs from the Universe.