Therapy – what’s the point? This is…

Us humans, we’re complex creatures. Total weirdos.
Irrational things tick us off and trip us up.
We get hurt, we hold grudges. We get attached.
We do naughty things. Immoral things.
We have festishes. Obsessions. Addictions.
We’re massive scardy-cats.
We’re desperate for acceptance, to be understood, to be told it’s ok.
We’re human.
And as humans we fuck up All The Time. Allthetime. And this is ok.
We’re so far from perfect that this ideal of even attempting to reach perfection, or expecting it from anyone else, it’s just futile.
We’re messy and complex and … extraordinary.
And this is the reason we do therapy. To be reminded of our extraordinariness. Cause it’s easy to forget it, in the messiness.
As a practitioner I have the absolute honour of listening to stories of humans being human. I hear the magnified burdens, vulnerabilities, insecurities, fears. I hold the space while they’re tentatively shared.
A common thing I hear is, ’I’ve never told anyone this’. It’s a common thing I’ve said in my own sessions.
If you happen to be holding onto a burden…
If you’re ready for your deepest darkest secret to be shared…
If you’re in deep want of being understood, accepted, told it’s going to be ok…
I was in my own session recently where I admitted to something I wasn’t proud of. I hesitated before divulging it, I admitted I’d never admitted it to anyone. And my precious honest words, they were received with the compassion that only therapy allows. The burden I was carrying, the suffering – it left and created space for what really needed to be worked on. This is why we do therapy.
Us humans…
We’re complex and we’re extraordinary.