The whole bloody point. (Plus a workshop update).

So it’s been a while since I’ve popped in.
Simply put – I’ve needed to hold space for myself and myself only. To contain and really feel everything that has been reverberating through my being. As you know, for those who have followed my journey for a while now, the past few years have been filled with deep shifts and deep awarenesses. The internal work has been intense to say the least, but gratefully my outside world is truly starting to reflect the work done.
Business looks very different. In a divinely cosmic way.
A relationship has been called in that satisfies at a depth so new.
And my relationship with myself is … light and curious and childlike.
The works pays off. It always does.
Which got me thinking.
And then of course, a pattern in clinic began to emerge. That is…
Clients arrive saying they have nothing to work on, that everything is swell in their life – which is wonderful news. And then of course, as we chat, we uncover deep patterns that deserve being looked at. By the time the session has finished, deep behaviours, deep thoughts, deep insecurities have been accessed, awarenesses gained and blocks cleared.
Before they leave they comment ‘And I thought I had nothing to work on’. To which I reply ‘These are always the best sessions, the ones where we feel aligned and strong enough to go to the latent dormant issues’.
Cause this is the thing, we are such complex, multi dimensional beings. We are layered with experiences and triggers, emotions and belief systems. We are accumulations of times gone past – and these times don’t always serve us in our present. They are buried deep in our subconscious body and mind and we need to have a way to access them.
I always have regular sessions, I have done for years – it’s an ultimate priority for me. Committing to yourself in this way reaps beautiful rewards.
I hold the belief that if life doesn’t look the way you want it to… find the f out why. Do the internal work and gradually with time and patience the external world will start to reflect the work you’ve done.
If you’re feeling like you’re a in a fab place – this is the perfect time to do a session. You’ll be amazed at what surfaces and how quickly you align to a higher vibration of living. Which is the whole bloody point, let’s be honest.
So, keep it in mind. And to my clients, thank you for letting me share this work with you. Thank you.
Also, also, also – I’ve been holding Shamanic Healing workshops teaching the peeps how to journey. At this stage it’s been invite only to those who have expressed interest. This is by no means an exclusive invite, more that spaces are limited.
If you’re interested in experiencing Shamanism and the incredible gifts it brings, the next Workshop is scheduled for Saturday May 20th at 10:30am – 2:00pm. It’s $80. If you want to meet Your Power Animal i.e. Your Spirit Guide come along. They bring messages and guidance and love like you wouldn’t believe. Hit reply to join.