The ebbs are not punishing you. (Plus announcements)

It’s easy when you’re on the spiritual path to be disheartened – when things feel like they’re ebbing. We ask ‘What’s the point?’, ‘Am I doing it right?’. If it’s not flowing surely something must be wrong?
Kinda. But not always.
I’ve learnt over the years and continue to learn, everything is 100% unfolding just as it should, and exactly when it should.
I love so so much when everything is flowing and aligning. Peace. Harmony. Connection. It’s bliss.
But, the turbulent ebbs are kinda bliss too.
Lessons. Learnings. Unravellings on a soul level. It’s all happening for a reason.
Your soul knows what’s what.
Your spirit has your highest good in mind – at all times.
And then your ego kinda fcks with it all. Cause, that’s what the ego does. It freaks out. It panics. Gets all territorial about sh!t. Feels wounded. Likes to bang on about the same story, over and over. And over and over.
And the ego can be affected by lots of things… and by that I mean stuff you’ve inherited from your parents and their lineage and also past life stuff.
And that’s cool, cause it’s all part of the program. It’s what you signed up for.
However, the power of free will does allow for the program to be hard and painful and full of suffering OR to be a bit more blissful and full of grace. You get to choose. You actually do.
Which is where sessions are a beautiful thing.
We’re so complex and multi dimensional.
We have present time stuff to clear. Childhood, teenage, generational, past life stuff. The works!
I don’t say any of this to overwhelm. Not at all. I say it because it’s fact and when you take responsibility for these things, life becomes better. B E T T E R.
When you hold your energetic and spiritual health with the same regard you do your physical health (this is assuming you hold your physical health in high regard) you start to experience life in a richer and more divinely connected way.
The ebbs aren’t there to punish you, nor is your ego. It’s not cause you’re doing something wrong. It’s cause you’re being taught. You’re being assisted to be clearer and more connected to your truth and pure essence.
One of my favourite quotes is from Anais Nin…
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”
We’re so bloody complex and multi dimensional – it’s extraordinary.
Celebrate this. Take responsibility for it.
If you fancy a session I’ve got a couple of spots for tomorrow – one might be yours. Or book in soon. Ask your spirit, they’ll guide you. Just follow through on the guidance.
Also, for my Shamanic Power Animal peeps who have attended the workshop, I’m doing a drop in session next Sunday 3rd. 10:30 – 12:30pm, $20.
And the following Sunday December 10th I’ll be holding the next Meet your Power Animal Workshop. 10am – 1:30pm. $120, includes an essence. This Sunday’s workshop is fully booked. They’re always fully booked – cause it’s a good thing meeting your Power Animal. They’re one of your guides, they orchestrate you coming, not me. How rad is that!?
Peace & bliss xo