Special Event – Sunday 9th September – New Moon / Virgo

On September 9th at 5:00 -7:30pm I’ll to be holding a shamanic session in which we honour the energies of the Virgo New Moon.
New Moons are about new beginnings and this one happens to be in Virgo, which means it’s all about cleansing, clearing and detoxing. Detoxing … old ways of doing & old ways of being.
Perfect timing as we celebrate the beginning of Spring.
Virgo is an earth sign – which means we’re going to be supported this month to get more grounded, centred and connected to our core.
Simply put, when our foundations are strong, we’re able to create and co-create in the most magical of ways.
This a potent time to get clear on what your heart desires, to make manifest, as we enter the last few months of 2018.
If things have felt stuck these past months – get ready for some movement.
Come journey together and connect with your Power Animal – to be supported and assisted to create a new way of being.
The session will cost $50 and include a ‘Love’ Resonate Essence to take home with you for continued support.
Love is the bedrock of all things.
It IS the most potent foundation to live from.
Using the essence in combination with the Virgo New Moon … will create space for wonderful new happenings.
All the info…
Sunday 9th September. 5:00 – 7:30pm. 230 Mitchell Rd, Alexandria.
$50 – 2 Journeys. Meditations. A ‘Love’ Resonate Essence to take home with you.
RSVP to secure your spot. Only 2 spots left.
This session is for those who have previously attended a Meet Your Power Animal Workshop.