Shocking truths. Which I’m certain you can relate to.

Self Loathing

What’s life like when you’re in the midst of Self loathing? Self judgement? Severe dislike of self?

It’s pretty shit.

Thoughts bounce about in your brain, endlessly, with no peace. Stories run rampant, over and over. You feel anxious in your chest, in your tummy. There’s an uneasiness, a tension that won’t seem to go away.

You can feel paranoid, like everyone is conspiring against you, including the Universe. You lose faith, you lose trust. You feel like you have no one to turn to. You’re snappy with those that love you.

You slip back into old ways. Eating badly. Gossiping. Sitting in front of the laptop checking Facebook and other mindless rubbish. You look at yourself in the mirror and berate yourself. ‘You’re too this, you’re too that’.

It’s exhausting. You’re exhausted. So much progress had been made, yet there you are sliding down that slippery slope again.

These are all very common complaints when Self Love is lacking in one’s life. And to be honest they’re complaints that are experienced day in & day out for a lot of people.

I know this because I’ve experienced it. I used to live it. And occasionally I still do. But the difference now is that I know how to stop mid way down the slope. I know what I need to do in order to get myself back up top again, or at least make my way back up.

 The Self Love journey is exactly that, a journey. And like every journey you need to have a bit of a plan. Not necessarily a detailed one, but a guide of where it is you’re headed.

For a long time I used to read various things and think –  ‘this won’t help me or I already know that’. But what I realised was that I wasn’t taking any action on what I was reading. I wasn’t changing my way of being.

If you’re reading this thinking, ‘yep I’ve heard it all before’ I ask you ‘Are you changing your behaviour? Your habits? Your words? Your thoughts? Are you living life differently?

While it’s an overused quote, it’s still a goodie. As Einstein said ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results’.


If life is presenting you with the same results and you’re not quite sure how to get different ones get in touch and while you’re at it check out the Self Love & Nourishment e-course I’ve created with Cassie from Elevate Vitality. 

It’s the go to guide you’re looking for if you’re in need of some Self Love guidance. 


Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Surry Hills and Crows Nest. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.