Scared beyond belief

It was my 2 year anniversary last weekend. 2 years since I started the business. 2 years since I took that ‘leap of faith’ we so often talk about. 2 years since I moved from a place of Burden to Bliss…

And it got me thinking back to the when it all started. How riddled I was with nervousness and anxiety. How fear literally used to paralyse me. How unsure I was of not only of myself but also of the possibility of it all.

And so I started thinking how it was, that I got from there, sitting in my tiny apartment, scared beyond measure, a few clients here and there to Now. Now being much more peaceful, much more spacious (my apartment is much bigger now) and so much more in flow.


I learnt to love the idea of rejection and failure. I learnt to see it as my friend. To welcome it. Rejection and failure are nothing more than opportunities for you to refine, to practice, to work a little harder, to try it in a different way. It’s information. That’s all. It’s purely information. The outcome, the reaction, the response is NOT A REFLECTION of WHO you are. It’s merely an opportunity for you to create – again. If we look at it this way it comes fun. It’s not something we need to hide from, it’s something we need to embrace. Remember, nothing is permanent. As Marie Forleo says, ‘Everything is figureoutable’. Even rejection.


BUT THE EGO I hear you say – what about the poor ego?

This is true, the ego DOES NOT LIKE rejection or failure. BUT it’s through this awareness that we are able to work with the ego, rather than succumb to it.

I’ve learnt to be incredibly curious and almost excited when my ego comes out to play. It gives me an opportunity to look it in the face, examine it, talk to it, ask it what it needs. To delve deep inside of it. Often it’s about reassuring the ego. Taming it, like it’s a pet. I do this by sitting with my fears. Meditating on them. Asking them to show themselves. I may journal. I may use EFT (what’s EFT? Have a read here). I may have a kinesiology session.

However I do it, I do it. When you have a vested interest in living your potential getting to know this part of you is paramount.


I have also learnt to drop the need for it to work out exactly as I envisioned. 

The ‘right’ opportunities pop up when you least expect them. For me, I talk to the Universe. Like actually converse with it. I’ll often say, ‘Universe I’d like to do this, send me what I need’. Or ‘How can I best of best service to you’. Or ‘If this is the right direction to take, show me a sign’?

Then when conversations happen with people, when blog posts and courses and books pop up in my inbox, when I suddenly have an idea for something – I pay attention. I tune in to the response of my body. If it feels good I follow through with it. This doesn’t mean it ALWAYS leads to the exact opportunity I’m anticipating. Not at all. But I tell you what – it always leads to another one. You just gotta keep taking those baby steps and saying YES to things.

I know I’m terribly biased but it’s honestly through Kinesiology I’ve been able to be ok with what I’ve spoken of above. I certainly wasn’t born this way. Believe me.

What I know now, more than ever – living your potential is totally possible. What you want is possible. What you desire is yours to have. You just need to be willing to do the work to get there.

If you want to know how you too can move from a place of Burden to Bliss make sure you join yogi Ingrid Gravestein and me for our workshop March 30th @ Mantra Yoga. Together we will be inviting you to let go through movement, breathe and energy work.

The techniques you will take away are the exact techniques I’ve used to get me from that little apartment to the big spacious one I’m now in! We’d love to share this knowledge with you.

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Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.