Is fear driving your sacred routines?

Wake up

There’s nothing quite like breaking the norm to realise what’s really going on by sticking to the norm. 

And by the norm I mean:

Meditating, saying daily gratitudes (from the heart), doing little balances on myself, getting big balances done by other people, exercising, eating mindfully, choosing positive thoughts, reigning in the negative. That sort of stuff…

While I was away in Europe everything went out the window. Of course I was still grateful – I struggle not to be – but the time I took to really tune into the feeling of gratitude most certainly decreased.

During this time I often asked myself why I was choosing not to do the things that serve me? Why I would allow myself to feel less than best? But deep down I knew there was a reason for it… so I went with it.

As a result I experienced myself in a way that I don’t often get to. By that I mean I was more in my head, I was insecure and at times fearful, I was rebellious with myself. I was extreme.

And it felt good.

When I stick to what serves me I manage my emotions better, my perspective stays positive (more often than not) and I feel guilty if I’m lazy. I do. I much prefer to be active, to get stuff done, to keep moving forward. These things make me feel in CONTROL. 

But switch to Europe and I was out of control. I was emotional, my head told stories I started to think of as true and I was lazy. I ate what I wanted, I drank what I wanted, I stayed up all night!

And I loved it. Cause in the process of it all I learnt an incredibly valuable lesson… 

I learnt that The Universe will keep providing no matter what. 

And this is a big one. I love sticking to routines. They makes me feel safe, secure, aligned, in control. And here is where the awareness came through at an all mighty speed: 

Was I sticking to routines because they served me? Or because I was fearful that in letting go of them all the abundance and goodness in my life would dry up and disappear? 

If I’m totally honest, it was the later. 

By going to the extreme and dropping my normal routines I created an opportunity to be incredibly vulnerable. My emotions ran high, my head space filled with old outdated stories and I felt vibrationally out of sorts. From the lessons of 2013 I knew I had to go with it. I knew I had to surrender and soften to these feelings. I knew it was all for a greater cause.

So in going with it, I opened myself up to RECEIVE. 

I’m incredibly fortunate to have friends, here AND there, that carry me through my vulnerable times. They really do. And it was in these time of yielding that I experienced what it’s like to be looked after. And it was beautiful.

I softened, I reached out, I received. 

And like I said THE BIGGEST AWARENESS was that the Universe didn’t stop supporting me! I know. It surprised me too. It was still infinitely abundant, it was still all providing, there were tonnes of synchronicities (daily) and magical moments a plenty. 

Since experiencing this I’ve loosened the reigns a little. I’ve picked back up a lot of things that I know make me feel more balanced, more aligned, keep me less emotional and less in my head. But I’m doing them now with a totally new love and appreciation. I’ve moved away from the vibration of fear.   

Is there somewhere you could let go a little? Switch routines around? Mix them up? Tune in and ask yourself if you’re doing them out of fear or love. You might be surprised with the answer. And as a result you might just open the flood gates for more abundance!

With love, Clare x

Photos thanks to Pinterest

Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Sydney. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.