Questions. Good questions for your New Year.

I had every intention of writing to you before the year was out.
I had wanted to share Marie Forleo’s video in which she asks the following 3 questions.
- What’s one thing you did that you’re proud of?
- What’s one mistake you made and the lesson you learned?
- What’s one story you’re willing to let go of before the New Year?
I had wanted to send it much earlier. Except I didn’t get a chance. Life became insanely busy, and then I forgot. And I know all the stuff about being busy – it’s a mind set, stop saying it, you’re no more busy than anyone else, yada, yada, yada, which is all true. But let’s be frank – the lead up to Christmas is nuts. I had to pick up two extra days in clinic to accommodate all you fine souls wanting to clear your crap to ensure 2017 was off to a crystal clear start. (Much gratitude for trusting me with this).
I then brought the new year in at Woodford Festival. Seven 38 degrees days made for a sweltering good time. My New Year’s morning was spent pilgrimaging up the hill to watch the sunrise with hundreds of other Woodford friends listening to the Tibetan Monks chant us into the dawn. It was beautiful. We were boozed and a little delirious, giggling away, in a state of awe and gratitude – for being alive and able to witness and share such an experience.
After this I moseyed on down the coast to an airbnb nestled in the middle of the rainforest. Me and the trees. It was heaven. It made me realise, once again, how much I savour and honour being peaceful with the bush. I drummed and wrote and watched Seinfeld.
I had held off writing this post as I was waiting for some grand words of inspiration to channel on through. Nothing came. The only guidance I received was to touch base and check in with you.
So in trusting this, hello to you and your 2017.
After bringing in the new year, my mate and I acknowledged how different the 31st to the 1st felt. Shit had shifted. We could have been imagining it, but I swear to all the gods, something lifted in that 24 hour period. Being at a festival with 50, 000 or so people – you feel stuff.
I’m not sure about you, but it feels like all the hard work from 2016 has started paying off. This could be ridiculously optimistic, or truth?
A new friend from the festival asked me a cracker of a question. She said “What is it that you want to take from 2016 into 2017? What part of your essence, learnings, experiences do you want to carry forth into the new year?”
I loved this question. I was bracing myself for the what do you want to let go off, blah? and so was stoked when this question came my way.
I sat with it for a moment and then answered.
“I want to take forth my connection and relationship with spirit and source. To continue to nurture it first and foremost. To trust it. To welcome it. To revel in it. And to be playful with it. So playful.’
Playfulness was one of my greatest learnings last year, through all the perceived crap, I learnt playfulness.
How about you? How would you answer this question?
I’m back in clinic as of tomorrow. There are a couple of spots left for next week. My next available Saturday is the 28th. If you want to get aligned to your 2017 get in touch. I’ve got my own sessions lined up over the next couple of weeks. To get some support, guidance, magic to help get me in sync with my soul’s directives for 2017.
Cause that’s what this work is friends, it’s soul work. Plain and simple.
From my soul to yours x