Why your true potential depends on this.

If you’re at all interested in understanding WHY we so often sabotage ourselves take the time to check out Marie Forleo’s interview with Todd Herman.

In this he explains the difference between the OWW brain and the WOW brain.

The OWW brain is the brain that spits out stories of ‘I’m not really feeling this.’ Or ‘I don’t like this feeling I’m getting so I’m not going to do it.’ Or ‘Why should I bother’?

You get the drift. And so as a result we usually end up quitting.

The OWW brain tunes into the pain. It connects with the pain. And allows the pain to take over. As a result we feel stuck, bored and remain ‘safe’.

The WOW brain on the other hand does something quite different.

This brain sees things as more pleasurable. It anticipates the good feeling that will come from the challenge. It relishes in the unexpected and looks at situations in which it can learn. It has a sense of WOW.

Todd goes on to explain that there are 3 circles from the WOW brain.

  1. Growth

  2. Confidence

  3. Adventure

And these 3 circles overlap each other.

Where Growth and Confidence overlap, we get Momentum. The opposite of being stuck!

Where Confidence and Adventure overlap, we have Excitement. The opposite of being bored.

Where Growth and Adventure overlap, we have Transformation. i.e We leave the safety net.

I liked this analogy. A lot.

At the beginning of the year I did my Core Desired Feelings thanks to Danielle LaPorte’s genius idea. I’ve written about it here and here.

Adventure was one of mine.

When I envisaged the year ahead I thought of travel and of meeting people. Connecting heart to heart, soul to soul. I thought of being challenged, vulnerable, open. Of being a little scared, but of rising no matter what.

I thought of creating a business and life where I could truly live ‘the dream’ (my dream). So, taking full responsibility for myself I sat with my fears, my stories of ‘why should I bother’, ‘it’s all too hard’, ‘I’m not really feeling this’ and used the many tools and techniques available to me to iron out the kinks, to lend caution to the wind and just go with it.

Which is exactly what I’m doing. Come August I’ll be working remotely (thank god for Skype) – Europe baby (thank god for European mates) – And living the dream (my dream).

And it scares me. It does. It’s unknown. It might not work. It causes the stories in my head to run rampant, to surface fears and deep seated limiting beliefs.

But this is where the adventure kicks in.

Coming across an interview such as this, further reinforces my desire for the unknown. My desire to grow, evole, transform.

As Todd says, ‘it’s about getting more confidence as we grow, it’s about looking at life with an adventurous spirit’.

And as Danielle LaPorte says, ‘everything we do in life is governed by how we want to feel’. Once we’re clear on this life brings us those things, those experiences that align with our chosen feeling.

By being aware of which brain is operating. By getting clear on how we want to feel. We are in a much better position to push through our sabotages, our blocks, our excuses.

As a result, we start to live what we truly desire.

And as I keep saying, ‘why not?!’.

For clients who would like to make the most of an in person session before I head off on my adventure get in touch as sessions are filling up very quickly. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922

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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.

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