Mother Earth. She needs our help. Sunday May 26th 3pm – 5:30pm. All proceeds will be donated.

If you walk the streets connecting with trees, feeling their grounding presence…
If you swim in the ocean, cleansing & filling with her good vibrations…
If you eat your fruit & veggies … & all other wholefood goodness …
Then come this Sunday May 26th 3-5:30pm & send back to Mother Gaia love & deep felt gratitude.
Together we’ll tune into a healing current of light & channel it to her centre.
A core teaching of Shamanism is to honour & stay in right relationship with the world around us. To take only what we need & to give back when we’ve taken more. To maintain harmony & balance.
As a greater collective we’ve lost the embodiment of this wisdom, we’ve forgotten the importance of this truth. And while those of us reading this post will have already corrected their ways, she still needs our help on an energetic & vibrational level.
And she needs this help in numbers.
Come on Sunday afternoon. Experience the power of circle. The power of one intention held. The power of gratitude sent at once by many…
It heals deep deep wounds. Let’s help heal hers.
If you haven’t journeyed before, if you haven’t met your Power Animal… all good, still come along – I’ll guide you every step of the way.
And if you have attended the Power Animal Workshop already, come along to this class & bring a friend, invite them to experience the magic of journeying.
Cost is $20. Payments for this class will be donated to the Nature Conservation Council.
Come to – 230 Mitchell Road, Alexandria. RSVP Essential – hit reply xo