Meet Your Power Animal Workshop

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices on the planet. It dates back 100,000 years. 100, 000. It’s the work of our ancestors. It’s a spiritual practice in which a non ordinary world is entered and you meet guides – that is power animals, to receive messages of the most accurate and potent kind.
So, WTF is a power animal? And why would you bother meeting one?
A power animal is a spirit guide. They come bearing messages, offer healings, share wisdom about us and about our world around us. They communicate through conversations, visuals, symbols, feelings. The works.
And we each have a power animal, (although we can have many at a time). But there seems to always be a head honcho. A specific one at the forefront of offering divine guidance. And this guide can change depending on where we’re at in life.
When I went to Kauai and had my first journey experience, I met the Chimp. The Chimp had a wicked sense of humour. There was a lightness and buoyancy to our conversations. Chimp hung around for a few months. And then left. Panther then showed up. Panther’s energy and medicine is of a different frequency all together. There’s a sense of protection and power and no bullshit. Which is necessary for where everything is at with my business and where it’s taking me.
Each power animal holds a specific type of medicine and within the medicine aspects of it will resonate more strongly with you on an individual level. It’s so unique and so precious.
I often liken this work to a radio station. When you start connecting with your power animal it’s like you get a whole new way of hearing what the world is saying to you. The radio signal gets attuned to the interconnectedness of everything around us.
As a result, you start to live more intuitively, you start to hear the directives of spirit, your heart opens.
You see, we have this incredibly fruitful and potent inner world that communicates with the subtle energies of the world around us … the trees talking, animals delivering messages, synchronistic moments, thoughts that appear random then later come true. There are messages in everything when we learn how to read them.
Shamanism turned everything on it’s head for me. There’s a quality in which life is now lived. And I would be beyond honoured to hold space so you too can start to tap into life this way.
I came across a quote by Hermann Hesse the other day. He said, “That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside of them and never allow the world within to assert itself.”
Let your world within assert itself… come join me and journey to the non ordinary world, meet your power animal, and watch your life change.