Kinesiology – WTF?

Hi Clare,
I get your emails (which I love, they always speak straight to whatever I’m going through, it’s quite uncanny) and a friend of mine has been speaking a lot about the benefits of kinesiology (something she has recently started experimenting with). I’m interested in giving it a go – but to be honest – don’t quite understand what would be involved. I’ve talked to this friend and I’ve done my own research, but it’s still not quite something I’ve wrapped my head around. Are you able to tell me a bit about how it works with you?
Hi Jess,
Nice to hear from you. And thank you for your words about the posts – you never know who they resonate with, although I often receive this exact feedback. Reinforces that sense of oneness and interconnectedness I suppose.
Ah, Kinesiology – it’s life changing. Honestly.
As for how it works, I can give you the mechanics of it, but really it needs to be experienced.
If you choose to do a session with me … this is what you’re in for…
The first session will take 90 minutes. We’ll chat sitting across from each other for about 30 minutes. And we’ll chat all things life. Everything that’s going on for you. I work intuitively and am guided with what we need to talk about on a deeper level, what we need to move away from etc. You’ll have the opportunity to talk it all through though. Get everything off your chest.
You’ll then get up on the massage table (if we’re doing an in person session, Skype is a bit different). While lying on your back, I’ll use a technique called muscle testing to identify the priority of what we’ve talked about to clear. The muscle will then either lock or unlock according to the information we’re asking about.
The idea babe, whatever our grievances, emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual – if it’s a grievance it’s causing us stress. Which takes it’s toll on our ability to enjoy life, to feel full of vitality and connection.
So, we work out what the issue is, we work out where it’s being stored and most importantly how to clear it.
By stored I mean – is it in your brain, your mental thoughts, your organs, etc, or is it in your chakras, auras, meridians? Kinesiology is energy work after all.
By clear it I mean – we identify what technique, method, bit of information your subconscious mind and body needs to clear it. The resources and tools I have to draw on are in the hundreds literally. Kinesiology (plus the Shamanic work I do) is very thorough and covers ALL bases.
The beauty of muscle testing is that it gets you and me out of the way. It overrides your conscious mind and allows you to tap into your subconscious intelligence (which is so much more intelligent than your conscious. So much).
For the entire 90 minutes we’ll be talking. It’s important for you to be engaged throughout the session, so you can take away the awarenesses and as a result – live life differently.
What else?
Jess – it’s magic. It requires a little bit of an open mind, but the results will speak for themselves (don’t take my word for it, read what other’s have to say). It helps with everything. Deep trauma, general things that are pissing you off. Fatigue. Anxiety. You name it.
Let me know what you think, if you’ve got any questions get in touch.
A 90 minute session is $195. You’ll need at least 2 sessions. For the second you can either do 90 or 60 minutes. 60 is $160.
With thanks, Clare.