Kauai – Energetic Rehab.
I think what I’m about to say will resonate with a lot of readers – there’s something about energy work, spirituality, supernatural phenomenal, angels, ghosts, astrology that challenges our brain to believe it’s true. We’ve been conditioned and programmed from birth, from before birth, down through the ages to believe it’s all fanciful nonsense.
Equally as much though, there is a deeply inherent part of us that sits up, pays total attention and knows it is all true.
I didn’t consciously choose to be an energy worker, healer, light worker – call it what you will. It found me for it is my vocation. But that doesn’t mean my brain with all its programs hasn’t given me a heap of grief since studying it.
But that all changed in November last year. After running a Death Dinner Party event I conveniently picked up 39 spirits who hadn’t passed over. They got caught in my field so to speak.
It took me 4 months to realise what was up.
And it was over those 4 months I realised just how energetically run down I was. And while they were a major pain in my arse and certainly didn’t help my energy levels, they were to end up being my greatest gift.
What they made me realise was – when you’re playing in this world of energy, quite simply, you have to look after yourself and participate in life differently. I wasn’t.
I had too much on my plate.
Burning candle at both ends.
I wasn’t restoring the way I needed to.
I wasn’t believing fully in the magic of this world. Or respecting it so.
Which brings me to Kauai.
The Shamanic stuff, I had no idea what it was. I didn’t research it. I didn’t ask questions. I just knew it was the next thing to explore. So on Google I got. I came across Scott from Shamanic Spirit Medicine, booked in for a distance healing session (to feel it out), liked the results and emailed him ‘fancy teaching me some things?’.
He created a 5 week course.
Over 5 weeks he taught me the background of this incredible modality. I learnt to journey. I learnt to connect in with my intuition in a totally new way. I spoke more directly and with more trust to my guides (of which there are plenty – plenty, for everyone! Not just healers).
I immersed myself in Mother Nature. Hikes. Swims. Coastal walks. Waterfalls. Kauai heals – check out my insta photos, see her healing love for yourself. She’s simply lovely. She is intense though, do not be under false illusions. And the longer you’re there, the more intense she gets. But like all tough love she means well.
And lucky for me, Scott used to own his own hiking company. He knows his nature and his power spots. Ways of the indigenous people were shared and we picked and ate thimbleberries straight off the bush. I loved this.
I did a city gal version of a vision quest. Camped out in a power spot, hiked to canyons across narrowing escarpments. Journeyed high above the earth, down below a Redwood tree. Days were needed to recalibrate from these experiences.
I attended Qi Gong classes where I learnt to breathe. To work with the subtle energies of my body. A major factor of my energy depletion was failing to work with the subtle energies on myself, day in day out.
I had Bowen Sessions and a Sound Healing session. Attended my first Puja. I was reminded of the beauty of ritual and ceremony. Union through the honouring of spirit. So nice.
I was in bed my 9pm most nights. Up without an alarm at 6. I spoke to very few people. Tuned out the unnecessary surface level chit chat. I just wanted and needed to be with me.
This wasn’t a retreat. It wasn’t something already co-ordinated. I trusted my intuition and where she was leading me, committed to whatever resonated and created my own version of rehab. You can do this too.
So Shamanism, what is it? >> Continue Reading.