It’s time. Are you ready?

An update.
During a kinesiology session at the end of last year my kinesiologist said, ‘Are you thinking of moving clinic spaces?’. To which I replied, ‘Yes, no, yes. I’m doing nothing about it though’.
She paused. Received some info, and said ‘I think it’s time to start looking’.
We then proceeded to muscle test the location of the new space and the date I’d move. She mentioned there would be a room for drumming, a room for workshops.
My heart skipped a beat. It was time for the shamanic love to be shared.
The shamanic stuff came on my path exactly a year ago. I went to Kauai to study – to learn and to experience. I was taken to new depths in the ordinary world and the non ordinary world. I journeyed as much as I could. I lived the guidance. I was told through a number of channels I would not be ready to teach for a while and to be mindful of how I used it in clinic. All of which I respected entirely.
Cause you see, the respect I hold for the shamanic practice is immense.
The connection to spirit.
The deep meditative process.
The history.
It makes my heart swell. And more than anything, I want to share it with everyone I know. I feel incredibly honoured this modality is on my path this lifetime.
As I mentioned, the initial message to look for a clinic space arrived at the end of last year. Like the last week of December. I started looking when I returned from my New Year’s trip. So mid Jan I looked at a few places and felt immediately despondent and avoidant. ‘Where the f*ck was I going to find a space I could drum in?’
So I journeyed on it. I went to the lower world and I asked spirit. I said ‘What am I missing? What do I need to do to get this thing happening?’. And the guidance I received back from a many number of my power animals – ‘You haven’t told us what you want it for’.
It was true. I hadn’t. So I answered. I said ‘I want a space I can bring people together, to teach them, to hold space, so they too can experience the many wonders and magic of meeting spirit like I have’.
I then received a flash of an image, a space down the back of a pathway. Almost like a granny flat. And sure enough I sat bolt upright and got straight online, found the space immediately and saw it within 30 minutes.
It ended up being in the exact area my kinesiologist muscle tested – Alexandria/ Erskineville. Right on the border. I signed the dotted line on the exact date that came through. And sure enough it’s down the end of a driveway, looks exactly like a granny flat, secluded enough to drum and sage to my heart’s content.
This post is two fold…
It’s time to hold circle.
It’s time to share the shamanic love.
It’s time to come together, to meet through spirit.
This will not be group therapy.
It will be to teach the incredible connection to divinity we so inherently possess.
This is the work of our ancestors. Our ancestors from long ago.
The ancestors that sat in circle, around campfires, connected to the elements, respect held of the highest order for everything that existed.
And the other point I’d like to make…
All this stuff I’ve written about – direct guidance and accurate info being channeled.
It’s possible for everyone.
There’s nothing more frustrating than reading someone else’s experience and thinking ‘That’s good for you, what about me? Where’s my direct guidance?’.
What you need to do and know…
Keep your channel clear. Uphold your end of the bargain with this.
Show up. Step up.
Do the work on the regular.
Have faith.
Find your teachers that can help guide the way for you.
And implicitly trust the guidance that comes through. And then follow it.
From my bones I am excited to share this with you. More to come shortly on start date, workshops, circle nights etc
In the meantime I have a new drum being born. She’s deer (skin) and she’s lovely.
And a mandala to be painted. Check out this talented client!
And on the kinesiology front – come have a session in the new clinic. The space has been aligned. And she’s oh so potent.
See you soon xo