I bet you’re so wrong about this.
When I was working in corporate a few years back, disliking it greatly, I came across the following question;
“What would happen if everything I thought was ‘wrong’ was actually ‘right’?”
It’s from Conversations with God and I remember writing it on a post it note and sticking it on my monitor. Each day I would read it and remind myself that while I thought things ‘should’ be different, that in effect things were panning exactly as they needed to.
More often than not we get caught up in thinking that the way we want something to be or the way we want something to happen is the right way and when it doesn’t work out that way we are left disappointed, frustrated or anxious.
When this happens I’m now in the habit of asking myself – ‘What if everything I thought was wrong was in fact right?’ This gives me the opportunity to take a step back and see things from a new vantage point.
Much of what happens in a Kinesiology session is understanding that we are presently attached to something that is not in alignment with the vibration that serves us. This is generally to do with the current perspective we hold. But by changing your perspective, and by changing your frequency, your world around you starts to change also.
Of all the lessons and laws for consciously creating your existence one of the most important is understanding that we have the power to change the way we think and therefore experience a situation.
I realise that at times this is easier said than done. For there is a part of us that so deeply wants our way to be the right way and therefore we label anything that isn’t, as wrong.
But this is where perspective is a beautiful thing. While I was away I met a super rad + talented chick, Emily Carroll who gets the perspective thing too, so much so that she created an installation to communicate her understanding of it. Watch it HERE.
This is what she had to say about it:
‘I am an artist who deals with the nature of reality through perception. I have a deep interest in psychology and those suffering from mental illness and self-esteem issues. This particular piece uses light and space to explore the deceptively simple fact of our presence in and perception of the world. I hope to let my audience discover that our perception of others and ourselves may not be the reality.
The work although looking simple has many layers to it. As audience members enter the room in which the installation sits they are faced with a wall that is lit from behind. On first appearances the wall looks impassable. As audience members move closer they grasp there isn’t just one wall, but a second wall sitting behind which allows entry to a small room. For viewers left on the outside they are faced with shadow like images that distort the size and shape of those on the inside. Some of the participants inside look like they either disappear or move into a space on the other side of the room. The reality is that the room does not extend the span of the wall and the people inside are not gigantic. This reality can only become clear by participating in both observing on the outside and entering the space. Only once they have done this they will realize the reality.’
I love this. ‘This reality can only become clear by participating in both observing on the outside and entering the space. Only once they have done this they will realize the reality’.
I invite you take a step back from whatever it is that you perceive to be wrong and therefore causing you pain. Before you judge it, or judge yourself or judge anyone else get inside it, get outside of it, get down low, get up high. Move from the position you currently see it from and I guarantee that what you’re looking at will change and so too will your pain.
Photos thanks to Pinterest http://pinterest.com/clarey22/blog-quotes-inspiration/