How to help yourself, when you’re low.

There’s something that happens when we’re disconnected from Spirit, our Higher self, or Soul – we get sad. We get restless and lonely. We feel depressed, full of despair. Anxiety amps up and we fall into addictive or distractive behaviours, which usually don’t serve us.
I have the honour of holding space for clients each week, who are wanting to return to Spirit and their Soul.
Clients come in with the exact symptoms described above. The story might be different, the experience they’re having won’t be the same as the previous client, but it’ll be the symptoms above.
And so, in a session we open up space together and recalibrate where things have gone awry.
We open up to the light, allowing Source to flow through, and healing happens. Physical symptoms go away, life gets less anxious, faith, trust and connection resumes.
Thing is, it’s not always possible to have a session. Time. Money. Willingness. They can get in the way. And so having a tool, method, or strategy in which you can have direct contact with Source – is imperative, if you want to live a life more blissful and truthful to your Spirit and Soul.
On Sunday June 17th & July 1st I’ll be holding the next Meet Your Power Animal Workshops + Drop in classes in the afternoon (for those who have attended a previous workshop). $120, includes an essence. 9:30am -1:30pm.
You have many guides. Many. And your Power Animal is just one of them. You have to understand your Power Animal has been assigned the job of looking out for you, at a soul level – to support you, help heal, and give you guidance.
But they have to be met with in order to do this. Which is where Shamanic Journeying comes in.
Shamanic Journeying, the technique you’ll learn – is simple. Which is important. In a world already so overwhelming, we need simple. I’ll drum. You’ll lie there. And we’ll hold space together so as to journey.
It’s a passive process. By choosing to open and receive, you’ll directly connect to source. The drum and your own natural intuitive abilities will get you there. You just need to show up and be willing to believe.
I always liken meeting your Power animal to having an imaginary friend. Which I fear sometimes discounts the potency of the connection. But you have to believe me, once you’re connected with your Power Animal, once you surrender to the magic – it’s one of the most incredible friendships you’ll have. Totally unique and special to you.
And Power Animal work isn’t just for when you’re feeling blah. Some of my greatest manifestations have come through journeying – being shown specific images and receiving downloads of guidance.
It helps me when I feel low.
And it raises me even further when I’m feeling aligned and more than ok.
We all have the capabilities to do this. Not just energetic healers. I’d love to share this experience with you. It is a technique you can then use by yourself in the comfort of your own home.
These workshops will be the last for a few months as I’ll be over in Europe from July running the business from there.
Regarding sessions – I’m available for in person sessions from now till mid July, after this it will be Skype sessions for a few months, unless you’re in London or Montpellier – or nearby.
And on that note, if you have friends in London or South of France who might be interested in a session or attending a workshop, please pass them my details, help me share the Kinesiology & Shamanic love.
With love, Clare xo
Hit reply if you’ve got any questions or would like to book in.