How to get over yourself & out of your own way.

One of my favourite quotes from Gabby Bernstein is,
‘Whenever we’re in the presence of fear, we’re relying on our own strength’
I interpret this as – we’ve disconnected from our higher self, our guides, our energetic hierarchy, and we’re foolishly (and out of habit) relying on our mind and ego alone. Boring.
As such, we end up in a world of Pain. Anxiety. Worry. Uncertainty… the list goes on.
So for me, when this happens, there are a few things I do to get connected again. Open up that conversation, dialogue, connection with my team of helpers. TEAM of helpers.
Perspective. You’ve gotta get some perspective.
I’m incredibly impatient. I’m incredibly efficient. I like to get sh*t done and if I have the capability to do it, I will. So when I’m relying on other people, or god forbid – time, I can get a little antsy. As such my mind goes into overdrive and all the stories and anxieties come to the forefront.
There is a part of me that believes that by planning and knowing everything, I’m safer and happier … future outcomes and plans sorted – happy days. Which is such a farce, plans change all the time and the Universe generally surprises us beyond our expectations anyway. Plans are ok, they’re necessary to a degree… but needing to know all the time, this is futile.
So to get over myself and out of my own way, I use the following affirmations, they’re a mix of two prayers…
‘Take this from me and look upon it, judging it for me.
Teach me how not to make it an obstacle to peace.’
– A Course of Miracles
‘I am deeply grateful for everything that is unfolding, exactly as it should, exactly when it should.
Please grant me the patience and trust to allow this’.
– Me
I also get super grateful. Gratitude is 100% the key to getting back to being present, and out of your own way. It’s an automatic perspective reboot.
I tune back in.
For me, I do this through meditation or through Shamanic Journeying. I one of these for 10-15 mins. That’s all. Seriously. 10-15 mins. I love the idea that if you have 10 minutes to feel like sh*t, you have 10 mins to meditate. It’s true.
As I mentioned above, you have a team of helpers. I was listening to Sonia Choquette the other day and she was saying, your guides aren’t just sitting around – waiting for you. They’re busy. They’re doing sh*t, BUT, when you call on them, when you take the time to connect – they’re there in a jiffy. Amen for that.
I was also reading a post recently from The Broadplace and it was exploring why it’s often so hard to hear our heart and spirit over our ego…
Your ego bellows. It’s really loud. And usually incessantly annoying.
The heart and spirit… it whispers. It doesn’t compete to be heard. Wisdom doesn’t need to. It doesn’t need to because it knows everything is unfolding just as it should and that our heart and soul desires will be meet.
So therefore it’s up to us, to create the space to hear it.
I personally create this space by doing a mind map of all the sh*t bouncing around in my head. I write in the middle of the page ‘What’s in my head?’, put a circle around it and then write all the crap that’s going on. My worries. Concerns. Thoughts. I get em down and out of my head. This is immediately relieving.
In my case I then muscle test which is the root cause of all the issues. If you don’t know how to muscle test yourself, scan the page and see which one jumps out at you, or allow your body to tell you, your stomach or heart will change tempo as you look at one of them. Trust this.
And then… say the prayer above…
‘Take this from me and look upon it, judging it for me.
Teach me how not to make it an obstacle to peace.’
And then meditate. Create space for your guides to come on through, work their magic and voila 15 mins later, you will feel different.
But, you gotta create the space for this to happen.
And on that note of muscle testing… if you’d like to learn how, my mate and colleague Janette is currently holding workshops to teach this, get in touch with her to find out when the next one is
All my love xo