How to align to YOUR unique Soul purpose. For real.

I’m often told how lucky I am to have found my calling this life time. To be able to do the work I do and create a life around something I’m so passionate about. And it’s true, I’m incredibly fortunate, for which I offer up deep gratitude each day.
And part of the reason I am able to live a life this way is because I consistently work on clearing my blocks – so I can be in right alignment to hear the messages of my soul and highest self. To have the courage to follow through on the directives received.
Patterns of self doubt and comparing to others. Not feeling good enough or worthy. Feeling a fraud. All the annoying blocks.
Cause, we’re really good at getting in our own way, especially when we’re stretching our comfort zones. The Mind totally gets off on it. But it’s annoying cause our Soul has a seriously cool unique purpose for us – and we don’t need the mind holding us back.
We all have a calling. But it’s up to us to fulfil it.
Which is why… we need a helping hand from time to time.
On December 18th, the new moon, I’m participating in an 8 week online course – ‘Believe in Yourself & Be Magnificent’.
The gals from Resonate Essences have put together an 8 week program to support the clearing of self doubt and sh!tty self worth patterns to help align with your own unique Soul Purpose. Your potential. Your calling this life time.
I’m doing the course cause I LOVE everything these ladies do. The support they offer, the way they hold space, the truth and integrity in which they work…
For those of you who work with me in clinic you’ll be familiar with their range – all the lovely smelling sprays and wonderful essences and oils we use in the processes. This range is hands down the best energetic support tool available. If you know the importance of looking after your energetic health – this range is it.
Now you might be wondering why I’m doing the course if I’m banging on that I’ve already found my purpose …
Cause… the wisdom my soul holds is forever evolving. New information and guidance comes through, which sees my comfort zones being stretched – constantly. New doubts crop up. A different part of a pattern might surface… There’s always stuff, but in a good way. The point is to keep refining and aligning.
I am 100% committed this lifetime to being the best version of myself. To be of the greatest service in the most authentic, truthful and loving way. Which requires support.
It’s the perfect time of year to do it, get some things cleared so we can hit the ground running come 2018. Doing it as a group too, the collective consciousness we’ll be tapping into … it gives my tingles.
Click on the link below and tune into your soul. See what she has to say to you… and honour her nudges.
I don’t say it lightly – you have a unique soul purpose, support yourself with this and watch life become more magical and more magnificent.
Click here for all the info. It’s 8 weeks of online love plus essences & sprays for support.
And they’ve got a free ‘Shifting Blocks to Confidence & Patterns of Self Doubt’ webinar … I did it yesterday morning. Was crazy amazing. Use the link above and scroll towards the end of the landing page. 50 mins of goodness.
Get on to it people. Be your most magnificent self… xo