Have the life you want in 5 easy steps.
A while back I came across the following blog post from the Daily Love. I remember reading the following line and thinking – yep, that pretty much sums it up.
Ask. Believe. Act. Let go. Receive.
So I thought I’d write a little bit about each point. If you can move through your days, weeks, months with this sort of foundation, life becomes not only more satisfying but also easier.
Here’s how.
Step 1. ASK. This is where we need to get clear on what it is we want. This is your intention setting phase, your goal setting so to speak. Vision Boards, dream journals, lists, mind maps.
After doing Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map I feel much more connected to the idea of intention setting rather than goal setting.
She says that ‘Goals as we know them can deafen your truth, exhaust you, feed the ego, there’s a success failure attitude with them. They can perpetuate over planning as well’.
Whereas when we have soul based intentions where the primary feeling is to feel good life starts to flow in a magical way.
Everything we do in life is governed by how we want to feel. Get to know how you feel and all of a sudden the things you want, your intentions broaden to include a lot more.
‘Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled’
Wayne Dyer
Step 2. BELIEVE. There is where faith comes into it. This is where you step outside of the small contracted energy into the vast expansive energy. You hand over your intention, your desire and you TRUST. You trust your wish has been received … You let go of control. More on this in Step 4.
Step 3. ACT. This is the BIG one. I spent A LOT of years time daydreaming and not doing much. Lots of talking, but not a lot of follow through. I remember going to my Mum saying I’m going to do this and that and after a while she started to respond with ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’. In a funny way it was her ‘that’s nice dear’ attitude which made me all the more determined to get my business off the ground! Blessings in disguise.
Taking Action is where we demonstrate to the Universe that we are co-creating with it. Where we are putting ourselves out there, demonstrating our faith in it, chosing love over fear. Giving our fear a go, trusting that some way or another when we take that leap of faith we will be supported.
This is also where we need to be clear on the power of baby steps. You think about it, if you want to lose weight or get fit it starts with baby steps. You don’t wake up and suddenly lose weight you have to take it day by day making adjustments as you go. When you stick with it, the results come into fruition. Same with what it is your desire. Take small steps towards your hearts desires and before you know it you’ll be living it.
I can’t tell you how amazed I am that things on my to do list have been ticked off. At the time they all seemed so out of my reach. But sure enough, with steady work and commitment they have paid off. Always, keep, going.
This is the other thing on taking action – TAKE IT! When opportunities present themselves DO THEM. Even if they scare the life out of you. Rise above fear. It’s always scary and then when it stops being scary something else will fill that space. If you’re determined to life your potential and to live the life you know you’re meant to live, the more you will be stretching comfort zones. This means it gets uncomfortable for a bit. But it’s a good thing.
Step 4. DETACH. My favourite. This is where you let go of YOUR expectations and trust the Universe has something even better in store!
Detaching from the outcome is HUGE! You think about all the ‘pain’ you experience, it is because you’re attached to an expectation YOU think is best. You don’t. Get out of the way. Let life take over.
Step 5. RECEIVE. And this of course, is the best bit. Follow the four steps above and allow life to unfold, presenting you with more than you could ever desire.
To accompany the list above
- Take responsibility for your mind (I.e negative thoughts and patterns – see my Facebook page to collect your FREE gift with instructions on how to clear negative thoughts once and for all)
- Nourish and nurture your body, mind and spirit. Do this with meditation, wholesome food and exercise. It’s simple and it works.
Keep your energy channels clear so you can tap into your intuition more gracefully and before you know it the 5 steps above will become a way of life.
Photos thanks to Pinterest
Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Surry Hills and Crows Nest. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.