I made you a gift! Make sure you don’t miss out.
EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
In order to make the most of your FREE gift I thought it best to write a short post about What it is, How to use it and ultimately WHY it’s one of the best anxiety and stress reducing techniques around!
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique – that is, it frees you from emotional stress.
We experience emotional stress constantly. Whether it be at work – presentations, deadlines, high pressured meetings, boredom, procrastination, at home – family!, on the train checking Facebook, peak hour traffic, being with friends – comparing ourselves incessantly. Emotional stress is everywhere.
As a result we are constantly reacting to the world around us. Being able to clear these emotional triggers is vital if we are going to live a life of optimal health.
When our emotions are running high, when we feel stressed, life more or less sucks. It affects the way we see ourselves and it affects the way we experience life.
But we can change this.
In order to understand the effectiveness of this technique we need to firstly acknowledge that we are energetic holistic beings. When our energy is flowing through us undisturbed we are in the best position to live a life of happiness and vitality.
To put it simply – when we get stressed the energy in our body gets messed up. Adrenaline and cortisol pump through our bloodstream. These chemicals while necessary for preventing danger (lion coming towards you, being mugged and needing to run away, needing to lift car off child) are also highly unnecessary when sitting at your computer freaking out or while having coffee with your girlfriends!
When we experience an emotional response it disturbs the flow of energy in our bodies.
EFT gets the energy flowing back as it should. It interrupts the way thoughts and emotions are chemically recorded in the body. SO COOL!
We clear and change the emotional recordings we’ve just mentioned above. We do this by tapping on specific acupressure points and speaking about core issues.
On your free gift you will see there are 9 points on the face and body to tap. These points are tapped lightly while repeating the following statement:
‘Even though I’m feeling (problem), I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself’.
This statement helps to neurtralise any judgement you have on the stress.
To start, it’s totally cool to state what your anxieties are on a more superficial level. Then as you become more comfortable with the process you can go a layer deeper and then deeper again until eventually getting to the root cause of the issue. Which is not doubt something from childhood!
If you’re working with the superficial stuff you may need to do it more frequently. Once you get comfy though and start working with core issues you’ll find you need to do it less and less, to the point where you will no longer need to do it for that issue.
On your free gift I give you a run down of how to get more specific.
And if you’re in need of some support and assistance with getting clear on the core issue then Kinesiology is a wonderful modality to get you there. For more info have a read here.
The reason EFT is so effective is because by tapping these particular points called acupressure points you’re working with the various meridians, which are energy channels of the body. And by tapping them you’re sedating the energy channel which is holding the stress, ultimately sending a message to the brain to ‘chill out’. It’s specifically working with the stress response part of the brain, the amygdala, which is responsible for the fight or flight response of the body. When this response system is activated stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are pumped through the body which is why we feel stressed.
So this technique works by doing the opposite of this. It gets the nervous system out of the stress response. It sedates it. It activates the relaxation response. It changes the way the thoughts, emotions and triggers are recorded in the body chemically. Again – how cool is this!
This technique is nothing short of amazing. If you want to take control back of your emotions and stress levels USE THIS TECHNIQUE. Click here to get your FREE gift so you can screenshot it on your phone, keep it on your laptop, print and pop up somewhere.
For more info on tapping make sure you check out the 2014 Tapping Summit. Interviews and info a plenty!
Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.