From suffering to liberation – the choice is yours.

If you’re interested in Self Transformation, if you’re a lover of moving from suffering to liberation… shamanic journeying is where it’s at.
Why? Cause….
It’s a wonderful thing to be aware of your story. It’s fantastic to know your triggers, your patterns, your blocks… but unless you’re shifting them… it’s just a good story, or not such a good story.
And being able to shift your story yourself – being able to truly tap into your unlimited healing potential yourself, it’s the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Suffering is a loss of power. It’s a loss of your divine spirit.
This might be a better way of putting it… If you have any of the following symptoms, you wanna get your shamanic practice on and learn how to self heal:
Mild anxiety
Mild attention problems
Loss of love for life
Mild auto-immune probs
A chronic disease
Doing a shamanic journey, connecting in with your Power Animal – your helping spirit, is the exact vehicle to tap back into your power. When you work at this level of spirit you correct it manifesting on all the other levels… emotionally, mentally, physically. You give spirit permission to work through you… and hallelujah for that.
If you’ve met your Power Animal before, and you’re ready to have a very direct, very personal and very truthful conversation with them, come on Sunday 25th a or 2pm – 4pm. The session will go for 2 hours. $20. You’ll do 2 journeys. You’ll receive 2 healings. Happy days. Would love to see you there.
And if you’d like to meet and connect with your power animal… this Sunday at 9:30 – 12:30pm I’ll be holding the next workshop. $120, includes an essence.
All my love xo
Like more info on the Workshop have a read here & here.