Forgiveness – the gift you give yourself.

Fly forgiveness

As 2013 draws to a close I think it’s only fitting to talk about forgiveness.

One of the workshops I created this year was on letting go, forgiving, moving into a place of compassion. It was one of the best things I did – for it meant I had to live and breathe it. You can’t authentically stand in front of people and talk about this stuff from a heart space if you don’t live it, they’re my thoughts anyway.

So, I lived and breathed it. Which meant I had to let go of and forgive a few stories. For that’s all they were – stories.

Forgiveness is a tricky one for we so want to be right. We so very badly want to hold on to our pain. Why? I dunno. Cause it’s familiar. Cause our ego is energised by it. Because the perception of moving through forgiveness is that it requires effort.

But here’s the thing – it requires more effort and more energy to stay mad, to stay in the toxicity of it, to hold on – than it does to let go and move on. And when you realise this and take action the freedom and peace that comes as a result – is nothing short of magic.

Marianne Williamson says that wherever you haven’t forgiveness you’re blocking love. She then goes on to say that forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person, it has everything to do with you. It demonstrates that YOU are worthy of forgiveness, you are worthy of love. It’s the gift you give yourself.

For me, forgiveness hasn’t been so much about other people, it’s been about forgiving myself. It’s been about accepting and loving all of me, all my actions and all my reactions. For they’re part of my experience and it’s for this reason they are all worth celebrating.

As 2013 draws to a close are there things you can let go of in order to start 2014 a fresh?

Where can you forgive yourself?

Where can you forgive others?

It’s time to let go. It’s time to love. And it’s the perfect time to do so.


Photos thanks to Pinterest

Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Surry Hills and Crows Nest. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.

  • Thanks for the reminder. No one is harder on me than me.