Don’t forget to…

Last year I didn’t have the energetic space to think about what I wanted to experience in 2016. All my normal modes of manifesting and calling in went out the window as I was forced to live week to week. At first this was brutal. I like dreaming big. I like putting out there what I desire.
And then I couldn’t. So I didn’t. I lived week to week – with my energy, with my relationships, with my business.
Then the clock turned and it was 2017, and suddenly these desires I had not had the ability to tap into came trickling back.
Business ideas. Teaching ideas. The want to write and be seen again. Overseas trips. Australia trips. Living abroad. Study, more and more study. Arranging to see friends.
The feeling was foreign. It was very strange to all of a sudden be aligned to participating in life again. To feel the strength of my being and spirit united.
And then to take things up a notch, mid stride a couple of days back a short and succinct message came powering through ‘Don’t forget to dream big’.
It was such a simple reminder, but in my previous week to week existence I had forgotten the power of holding space for life to be filled with the extraordinary.
Starting this year in clinic there’s a theme already in place. From client to client it’s along the lines of brilliance and excellence. Of stepping up. Of playing big. It feels like all the hard work over the last few years for so many of us is paying off. There’s a trust in self that has solidified to finally feel like truth. And we’re ready for it and we’re ready to experience through it.
I’m not sure what this year has in store for me, for us. All I know is that it feels meaty and playful, and I think you feel it too.
I came across the following note from The Universe last week. It’s a nice reminder on how to dream big, or rather how not to.
When your dreams or “end results” are stated generally, in broad brush strokes, like wealth and abundance, friends and laughter, health and harmony, then please, by all means, attach yourself to them. Attach, attach, attach. There is no limit to what you can have and no reason to expect anything less.
But when your end results are specific, like the ultimate car, a hot date, or a home in the country, do not attach, do not attach, do not attach.
Material details and specifics are always “how” to get to a grander picture of your life and are never important in and of themselves. They’re “cursed hows” disguised as end results. Steps disguised as destinations. By all means, think of them, put them in your scrapbook or on your vision board to remind yourself of the kind of possessions and adventures that are your birthright. But do not give them any importance, through attachment, greater than what you are truly after: a fuller, richer life with all cups running over, the details of which will take care of themselves when this is your end result.
Bok choi, baby –
The Universe
Here’s to dreaming big this year. To not being attached. And to standing in and receiving your truth, whatever that may be.
As always, get in touch if you need anything.
All my love, Clare.