Distance Sessions – how & why they work.

So… hi.
It’s been a while.
Feels like light-years since I popped into your inbox.
But if ever there was a time to reunite, it’s now.
The world isn’t as it was…
Nor is it going to be the same moving forward.
Which in lots of ways is very exciting, and for those of us who have been doing the work all these years… this is exactly what we’ve been doing it for. Hello planetary transformation.
We’re playing witness to lots of great things – community, kindness, connection … space – to be, to meditate, to gather ourselves and dive deep within.
However, there is another reality to this shift we’re living through.
Lots of fear and fear consciousness, anger, denial, cognitive dissonance… separation and aloneness. Depending on where you’re at on your journey, you’ll be experiencing it in different ways.
I want to use this opportunity – to acknowledge the myriad of feelings that may be surfacing for you at this time. Always remember, every emotion is valid, every emotion is wanting to communicate with you… listen to it, honour it… let it teach you.
Having said this, sometimes we need a helping hand to honour what’s going on for us.
It occurred to me that while it’s common knowledge to some – that working via Skype/ distance is 100% as effective as in person Kinesiology sessions … it might not be common knowledge to you.
And at a time like this when we can’t physically connect – it’s important to have all the options available to us, so as to support ourselves and keep ourselves in balance and good health…
How do these distance sessions work?
Let me be frank – they kinda suck, that is… IF YOU COMPARE THEM TO NORMAL IN PERSON SESSIONS.
Nothing beats an in person sesh. The experience. The products. The cards pulled. The hand to body contact. The magic of being in a space that has volumes of healing light flowing through it… there’s a reason why everyone opts for an in person session – if they can.
However, at the end of the day – the reason we have sessions is to clear our stuff. Get rid of the static, and old sh!t that doesn’t serve us… and create space to be aligned. Aligned to our potential, our light.
Which is where distance sessions are JUST AS EFFECTIVE.
They honour what’s going on for you.
They clear the stuff. The stuck energy moves.
They get you aligned and connected.
What does a distance session look like?
We’ll chat either via phone or FaceTime etc… we discuss all you’re going through, what’s coming up, just like an in person session.
And then when it’s time to shift the old energy – I’ll surrogate for you – which means with your permission I call in your physical and energy body… and from there on in… all the testing and clearing is done on your behalf – through me. It’s pretty rad. And it’s damn effective. As I say with all kinesiology stuff – it just works.
The most important thing to understand with energy work – whether you’re in the clinic having a session or on a Skype call… energy healing does not work on the same space time continuum that we manage our life by…
We are multi dimensional beings that live in a dimensional reality.
Energy work, specifically kinesiology – is magic – because it taps into this understanding, truth and experience.
And look, if ever there was a time to keep your vibration high – it’s now.
Those of us that live a life connected deeply to spirit, are simply more sensitive. We need extra help to keep ourselves clear, balanced and supported…
Plus, as this is a HUGE opportunity for change and transformation to really occur on a planetary level, we need to be holding the strongest current of light.
If any of this resonates, follow through and do a session.
And if you’ve been affected financially due to the current changes – please don’t let this deter you, just get in touch and we’ll work out a price. As I said, most important thing at this time – is support.
Other Resources to Support you: The gals from Resonate Essences have put together some FREE tappings. These are always my go to… they’re SO powerful.
Other people to follow: Dr Joe Dispenza. Amazing meditations and info.
Keep safe, keep well – reach out if you need.
Big love xo