Comfort zones – how comfortable are they really?
In Kinesiology we talk a lot about sabotage programs and what I mean by this is that we have mental programs in place to prevent us from changing too much. We have these so we stay safe, inside our comfort zones, nice and cushy. But these cushy comfort zones don’t always serve us. In keeping safe, it often means keeping us the same, which means we’re not growing.
Let me give you an example. Consciously you might want to be really healthy. Of course you would want to be healthy, why wouldn’t you? But deep down on a subconscious level you don’t want to be healthy because being sick means you get sympathy from others, it means you have an excuse to not really push through boundaries, it means you get to keep your excuses – get my drift? Your sabotage program is that it’s actually safer to be sick than healthy, cause you get to stay the same and receive the existence you normally receive.
And these sabotage programs works on so many levels – putting yourself out there for a relationship, going for that promotion at work, moving through to a new level of fitness, starting that business, taking the plunge and moving jobs, getting out of your relationship.
It sounds crazy, but it’s true.
I was in class over the weekend and we talking about just this, the fact that so often we get so close to our goal and dreams and then for some reason we don’t quite get there. Subconsciously we know we’re about to get there and so we do what can to sabotage it. As a result we remain just as we are.
Living life to your ultimate potential takes you out of your comfort zone. It means you’re in new territory – unknown territory, and it feels weird, it often feels scary. Terrifyingly so.
I’ve been offered an opportunity which is doing just this, taking me right out of my comfort zone and part of me so badly wants the opportunity to go away so I can go back to me being the way I am. Safe, secure, (not full of adrenaline when I think about it). But interestingly the Universe gave me an out. And all of a sudden while my mind was so desperately telling me to take it, something deep down would not stop stirring. It was beckoning, demanding that I resist the easy way out. My soul was louder than my mind.
This is why becoming aware of and working on your sabotages is necessary if you want to be able to hear your soul more often than your mind. Comfort zones are there to be broken. Assuming your desire is to live to your full potential.
I received this note from the Universe the other night;
‘It’s perfectly normal, Clare, that when waiting for a really big dream to come true it seems like it’s taking forever, you wonder if you’re doing something wrong, and you feel like you should just be happy with less.
But I promise you, no matter how long it takes, once it happens it’ll seem as if time flew, you’ll wonder how you ever doubted yourself, and you’ll feel like you should have aimed a little higher’.
Aim a little higher, Clare –
The Universe
Don’t sell yourself short my friends, learn to master your mind, allow yourself to dream and to believe and to trust that all you want is attainable.
How do you get to know your sabotage programs?
You get to know your patterns. You get aware. You examine what you really want and dig deep to work out why you’re not allowing yourself to get there. A question I sincerely love is ‘if you weren’t afraid what would you do?‘. Ask yourself this and work backwards. What’s stopping you from doing it? You gotta get honest with yourself though.
For me Kinesiology + Coaching helps immensely. So does EFT and meditating. And most importantly it’s the DOING that helps. Even though I’m terrified I put things into ACTION. Believe me, some days this is easier than others. But what I want is craved at such a deep soul level, that I have no choice but to keep aiming higher.
I’d love you to join me.
Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.