Category: Anxiety

Why your true potential depends on this.

If you’re at all interested in understanding WHY we so often sabotage ourselves take the time to check out Marie Forleo’s interview with Todd Herman. In this he explains the difference between the OWW brain and the WOW brain. The OWW brain is the brain that spits out stories of ‘I’m not really feeling this.’ Or ‘I don’t like this feeling…

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Danielle LaPorte ‘Decide to Rise’

I saw Danielle LaPorte speak last week. She was pure inspiration on a stage. So comfortable, not only in her own skin, but in communicating her messages, her truths, her perspectives. It was totally cool. I took notes while I was there. I couldn’t help myself. The thing with Danielle is that her messages, her words, her understandings penetrate a…

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I manned up & this is what happened.

I got published on the weekend, that is Elephant Journal published one of my pieces. As I’m sure you can image I was over the freakin moon. For months, and I mean 19 months, I had thought about submitting a post. But couldn’t. I was paralysed with fear. It was the same old same old ‘Am I good enough? Is…

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How to Stay Ahead of the Game: Ditch Work Stress in 10 minutes

How to Stay Ahead of the Game: Ditch Work Stress in 10 minutes I used to work in Corporate. At times it was exhilarating, challenging, rewarding. Other times, so stressful, so demanding and so overwhelming. I then started doing yoga and using certain Kinesiology techniques to make sure I managed my stress levels. Life got better when I did.  This is…

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Scared beyond belief

It was my 2 year anniversary last weekend. 2 years since I started the business. 2 years since I took that ‘leap of faith’ we so often talk about. 2 years since I moved from a place of Burden to Bliss… And it got me thinking back to the when it all started. How riddled I was with nervousness and…

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I made you a gift! Make sure you don’t miss out.

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique In order to make the most of your FREE gift I thought it best to write a short post about What it is, How to use it and ultimately WHY it’s one of the best anxiety and stress reducing techniques around! WHAT IS EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique – that is, it frees you…

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How I can help you.

How I can help. In Coaching we often refer to the Wheel of Life, this being your overall life broken down into Life Categories. Career, Finances, Health, Relationships, Spirituality etc. If there is one area of your life that you feel is letting down your wheel, then take some responsibility and work out WHY. In a Kinesiology + Coaching session…

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Is fear driving your sacred routines?

There’s nothing quite like breaking the norm to realise what’s really going on by sticking to the norm.  And by the norm I mean: Meditating, saying daily gratitudes (from the heart), doing little balances on myself, getting big balances done by other people, exercising, eating mindfully, choosing positive thoughts, reigning in the negative. That sort of stuff… While I was…

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How it happened for me. And how it can happen for you too.

‘The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams’. ~ Oprah As I sit here and write this I’m still a little in awe of how life unfolded in 2013. In the 4 weeks I just spent in Europe I had plenty of time to reflect and appreciate all I manifested and all I…

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Wanna be rich? Here’s how.

One of the biggest things I’ve learnt this year – is to NOT freak out. Rewind to February this year. I was sitting in the park across from my flat in a serious state of panic. How was I going to pay my bills? How was I going to attract enough clients? How the hell was I going to make…

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