A soul led life – Plus London workshop info

Our ego can be a wonderful blocker to the many wonderful things we’ve come into this lifetime wanting to experience and achieve.
Wounds & hurts. Comparison with others. Feelings of insignificance. Safety in playing it small, fear of being ‘too’ much. Superiority. Inferiority.
They’re fantastic ways to hinder and inhibit the beauty our soul holds, preventing it from shining through. As a result we’re left feeling lost, empty, and yearning.
Here’s the truth…
We’re all here to fulfil our own unique soul’s purpose.
To truly celebrate our individual gifts and talents.
To own and honour our story. Our experiences.
And when we tap into this and give ourselves permission to really own it – magic starts to unfold. We attract more greatness into our lives, we support others to do the same, and the true meaning of interconnectedness and oneness is felt and lived.
So what does this all mean?
It means we take responsibility for the workings of our ego.
We get really aware, and really conscious of the stories, memories, beliefs and emotions that hold us back. We all have them. But they can all be cleared.
We need to acknowledge and allow the soul to be heard.
We get quiet.
We meditate.
We journey and meet with our Power Animal, our guides.
We journal and get out of our heads.
We move.
We spend time in nature, and we sit in awe.
It doesn’t seem that hard, does it? It’s not. It’s all pretty simple, we just need to not over complicate it. Take responsibility, and simply get on with it.
The soul does simple.
The ego doesn’t.
You choose.
While I’m in London I’ll be running a workshop on the above.
If you’re ready to, or wanting to further shine your light out into the world – come along.
There will be lots of juicy conversations & info.
Various mediations to get us in the zone, connected to our soul, guides and spiritual team.
An EFT tapping process to clear all the junk and settle the ego.
And a beautiful Resonate Essence to use in the workshop and take home with you.
Workshop is £60.
I’ll also be doing Kinesiology sessions on the Sunday 29th and Monday 30th July.
For more info on Kinesiology – www.woodwardinstitute.com.au
You might want to consider a session if you know you have some niggly blocks or patterns you need assistance shifting. Kinesiology is a wonderfully powerful modality to clear the crap and get you aligned with your soul.