A post on Anxiety.

6 years ago, I experienced anxiety – intensely.
It wasn’t social anxiety. I didn’t get panic attacks. And I didn’t have it all the time. But I did get it.
Would you have known? Probably not. A good front – I always put on, and instead internalised every feeling under the sun, in dizzying speeds.
I cared way too much what people thought.
My words, my actions, I scrutinised them – exhaustingly.
Overanalysing. Doubting. Myself, my future. Constantly.
And then I learnt how to work with my anxiety – Energetically*.
I learnt to love it. Learn from it. Use it.
A few weeks back – I had a moment with a client. She didn’t realise it was a moment, but for me tears had to be fought back as I realised the magnitude of what had surfaced.
I was saying I knew exactly how she felt and reassured her that anxiety can shift, that things can get better. That you can get to a point where all the things about yourself you wish so badly you could change, you start to see as your greatest strengths.
And with eyes as wide as saucers, she said with the most sincerest of voices “You mean it’s really possible to not feel like this?”.
Tears. I held them back.
It is possible.
A little while back I wrote an ebook on Anxiety. How to break up with it, once and for all. It’s got good content, good resources, good techniques. It’s a toolkit I put together, of all the stuff I’ve learnt from my own kinesiology sessions, from the teachings of kinesiology and via my own journey.
It’s my new opt in. I believe it’s a valuable resource and I’d love you to have a copy. If you’re already on my newsletter list you won’t be able to sign up again, so hit reply and I’ll send it through.
And if you’ve got mates who experience anxiety, share this post. Please.
* Hand on my heart, kinesiology is what turned my world around. It provided me with freedom from my overly critical mind. How? Have a read here, but honestly, explanations don’t do it justice. It’s something that needs to be experienced. All you need to understand – it works. This modality is such a gift. Please reach out if you ever need.
All my love x