A Spiritual Practice. Why bother?

“What the human mind may perceive as terrible or annoying, our soul may be rejoicing at the lessons we get to learn, the emotional range we get to experience, and the life changing wisdom we get to acquire.” – Forever Conscious
The potency of this statement.
The truth of it.
AAAAAA – men.
For me, living a spiritual life is all about this higher perspective – that is, being able to recognise that the soul is rejoicing in every experience.
When life is filtered through the wisdom of the soul – it tends to make more sense, and be a lot more graceful as a result.
This can be incredibly tricky though when life feels rough and is pulling you in every direction. Emotions aplenty, worry, uncertainty. There’s no denying – it can be plain exhausting.
My saving grace in these time though has been having a spiritual practice. For it’s through this practice that I’m able to connect with the wisdom and messages of my soul – and more easily move away from what my mind is perceiving as terrible or annoying.
I held a Shamanic class this week on Gratitude … in which I quoted Oprah, she says ‘The greatest spiritual path is gratitude’.
It got me thinking. Before all this stuff – the Kinesiology, the Shamanism, the Resonate Essences … my spiritual practice was gratitude. I did it daily and committed to it. It was a non negotiable.
As a result it helped bring enormous grounding and perspective to anything I was going through.
This I realised is the foundation of my spiritual practice.
A gratitude practice, whether you write them down (recommended when you first start), or by saying them out loud, in your head as you drive or are on public transport, as you wake or fall asleep – it opens your heart, and brings higher perspective to every situation.
From there… Kinesiology came on my path. Regular sessions meant I was able to clear and shift old negative thoughts, patterns, ways of seeing myself and the world.
It was then time for meditation. I did a course. I stuck to it. It took a year before I was able to ‘drop’ in easily… before I could say, meditation works. But it does work. If you’re on and off with the meditation – don’t be. Stick with it and see what happens.
And then most recently – Shamanism.
I often get asked how often do you meditate, journey, balance yourself etc… and my answer is – every day.
2018 saw me experience a break up that felt very right (until it didn’t), huge shifts with my work and the way I work, and also the death of my Father. Three massive things that culminated in a consecutive 6 month period. And hand on my heart – I was able to move through these things, with relative grace, there was of course deep grief and sorrow, but not once did I mistake these occurrences as negative or as punishment, or as ‘why me?’. And I know that this is thanks to my spiritual practice.
If you find yourself triggered or plagued with fear of uncertainty, fear of the future… what will happen, how will I cope if this or that happens… find a spiritual practice that works for you. Cause life is always going to ebb and flow, (it’s what we signed up for, in order to grow and evolve).
Learn to be resilient, so when the ebbs come through you’ll find flow regardless.
How I can help
Meet with Your Power Animal – Workshop.
Come to the next workshop I’m holding – Sunday March 10th. 9:30 – 1:30pm, $120 (includes a Resonate Essence for Home Support).
This will give you the opportunity to learn an ancient, sacred and beautifully simple process in which you’ll connect with a member of your Energetic Council – Your Power Animal. They’ll give you guidance, healings and so much more.
Once you do this, you’ll be able to come to the fortnightly classes held. Topics covered such as, Gratitude, Manifesting, Prosperity, Clearing & Protecting your Energy body… plus more.
And it’s a technique you can use at home too.
And then in the afternoon – I will be running the All things … Manifesting class again.
3pm – 5:30pm. Check out this link for more info on the Manifesting Class.
If you’ve attended the initiation class before you can join this class, $20 – bargain.
And for those interstate and overseas – I will be recording these classes separately for purchase, for you to use in your own time. More to come on this shortly.
And of course – come in for a Kinesiology Session. These are potent in clearing and realigning you to your Soul’s energy. Ebbs are there to teach us – but you don’t need to suffer through them. If you feel like you’re suffering, come in for a sesh and be supported.
Sent with so much love xo