For anyone who has experienced a Kinesiology session before you may be wondering how we can conduct one over Skype.
In a Kinesiology Session we are balancing the energy systems of the body and much of what Kinesiology is based on is Tradional Chinese Medicine. The Chinese believe that when the energy systems of the body are operating at their highest potential you’re able to live a life full of vitality and happiness. It is in these states that we’re able to achieve all we want in life.
So, if any of these energy systems are blocked we need to know how to clear them.
Firstly we get clear on where you’re currently at. You’ll fill in a form before the session that will get you thinking about this, help you to get clear and then we’ll spend the first 15-30 minutes chatting about this and ultimately helping you get clear on what you would rather by experiencing.
We then come up with a goal statement that describes exactly what you want. This is important for where our attention goes energy flows. It is this energy that makes things manifest.
Once we’re clear on your goal we then go through a process of identifying what’s blocking you. We do this by…
And we do all this via muscle testing.
If you have experienced an in person session then you’ll know we use your own muscle to determine what the body is communicating.
In a Skype session I use my own muscle on your behalf.
Intention plays a HUGE role in a Kinesiology session. Because my intention is to tune into your energy systems the information that I receive is purely your information, not my own.
They are for everyone.
If you’ve experienced an in person session before you’ll know what to expect, you’ll understand the process. Therefore if you haven’t experienced an in person session before you won’t know the difference. All you need, is to have is an open mind and trust the process the unfolds.
Lighter, clearer, more on purpose, like a weight has been lifted, more balanced and aligned.
Of my clients who have received both an in person session and a Skype session, they report the process during the session and the feeling and awarenesses gained after the session are exactly the same.
You get to stay in the comfort of your home or office. All you need is somewhere comfortable and private. I’ve done Skype sessions with clients while they’ve been in cafes! You could even do it sitting in a park. Now that sounds nice!