How I can help you.

How I can help.

In Coaching we often refer to the Wheel of Life, this being your overall life broken down into Life Categories. Career, Finances, Health, Relationships, Spirituality etc.

Wheel of life

If there is one area of your life that you feel is letting down your wheel, then take some responsibility and work out WHY.

In a Kinesiology + Coaching session we do this by helping you get clear on what it is you would rather be experiencing in that life area. Then we work out ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE BLOCKING IT.

Usually we see these blocks playing out in physical ways.

  • Not exercising
  • Not applying for that job
  • Spending our pay as soon as we get it
  • Pursuing the wrong sort of relationship
  • Staying in the wrong sort of relationship
  • Drinking all weekend, when deep down we really don’t want to

There’s nothing wrong with any of the things I’ve listed above, unless of course they’re preventing you from living the life you actually want.

And this is where understanding the power of the subconscious mind comes in handy.

Our Subconscious Mind is a powerful little entity. So powerful that 95% of it makes up the mind! And it’s in this 95% that our beliefs are stored.

So for instance, you make be thinking, consciously (with the 5% of your mind), ‘Yep this is the year I get my finances on track’. But little do you know that stored in your subconscious mind is a belief that money breaks up families, or money is only for those already rich, or money doesn’t come to you easily, it’s hard and therefore exhausts you when you think of it. And so, you don’t do a thing about it. 

All of these stories, these limiting beliefs, have been created when you were really little. They no longer apply to you as an adult. But that’s the thing, without changing these beliefs we’re effectively walking through life as children. We’re just taller! 

Why does the mind do this? Because by sticking to what it knows, it feels safe. And safe is important to us.

HOWEVER, if you’re keen to get that bank balance, waisteline sorted. If you’re wanting to find the dream job your worthy of. If you’re ready to live life the way you consciously dream of….

THEN a Kinesiology Session can help.


  • Like I said, we get clear on what you want. This in itself can be overwhelming. Together we’ll break it down.
  • Then we’ll use a range of methods to tap into your subconcious mind (very non invasive, you just have to lie there, your body will tell us all we need to know).
  • How many sessions will you need? This totally depends on you. Experiencing 1 will blow you away. You can decide from there! 

Understanding your subconscious mind is PARAMOUNT to living the life you desire.

You don’t need to be a victim to your mind. You can be the hero if you choose. 


Clare Woodward is a Transformational Coach + Kinesiologist with a busy practice in Sydney. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare assists her clients to access their immense potential, empowering them to lead authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives.

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