Self Love at 10 years of age.
I had the honour a few weeks back of working with one of my best friend’s daughters. She’s 10. She was having some stuff go on at school. Confidence stuff. She wanted to be able to talk to some of the popular girls but couldn’t muster the courage. She couldn’t quite find the words to talk to them and ultimately didn’t believe in the validity of what she wanted to offer the conversation.
Hearing this stirred something inside. Memories of my own childhood, memories of insecurity and doubt and shyness came flooding back. And 22 years on there were still remnants of being able to identify with these feelings! Thankfully, over the years I had discovered friends, mentors, people, books, courses and an occupation that helped me take responsibility for these limited ways of being.
What blew me away in the recent session we shared was the speed at which she grasped the idea that our thoughts create our reality and how much they affect the way we think about ourselves. She very quickly understood that by thinking better thoughts, by choosing the thoughts she wanted to have, her world would then change. Boom.
This all came about last year when we were having a conversation about her having to move to a new school at the beginning of this year. She was understandably nervous and for whatever reason we got onto the topic of skipping. She claimed she was a bad skipper and it upset her. I informed her that the more she told herself she was a bad skipper the more her reality would reinforce it. Therefore by telling herself she was in fact a good skipper she could become one.
To be honest, I thought the whole conversation had fallen on deaf ears.
Fast forward to a few weeks back when I received a call from her Mum. As it worked out her our little girl was having some trouble at school. She didn’t really want to go to school, she felt sad and weird around some of her classmates, especially the popular ones. She had remembered the conversation we had about skipping and had used the information and sure enough her skipping had improved, almost ‘like magic’. And so she asked her mum, ‘Can I see Clare again?’
My heart literally swelled hearing this.
So we did another session together and sure enough penny upon penny dropped as she further understood that we are not our thoughts, we are not the negative stories we tell ourselves. That in actual fact we have the power to change our worlds so that they look the way we want them to. She left the session with a bounce in her step and a smile from ear to ear. It was like she had received the golden key.
I’m pleased and proud and humbled beyond belief to report she’s loving school again. Her confidence has returned – she’s a happy 10 year old again. When I saw her for a follow up session we didn’t even need to talk about what had happened. The issue had ceased to exist.
It’s moments like these that motivated me to join forces with Cassie Mendoza- Jones to create our Self Love + Nourishment e-course.
For me, my journey back to my truth and essence started while I was living in France. It began on hostel steps when I realised it was time to right some wrongs and stop giving myself such a hard time for certain things that had happened in my past. It was time to forgive. It was time to stop engaging in the stories I was telling myself. It was time to start loving ME.
That was 5 years ago, and when I reflect upon those years, what’s helped me on my journey has been the knowing that there are people just like me going through exactly the same stuff and more importantly there are people who have done it before so as it give me guidance and direction.
In a Universe where we are so interconnected, each experiencing what the other is experiencing it makes sense to have courses and tools and support available so everyone can implement these potent self love messages with grace and ease.
Our course is a personal and well researched authentic piece of work. My Why, my Intention behind the many hours of thought and preparation is nothing more than to share some guidance, some support and some nourished love on the very things that have helped to transform my own life. As a result it’s been able to help the lives of others.
Can you imagine having had the information you have now, at 10 years of age? I can.
If you feel you’re in need of a little life transformation, a little self love support, we would love for you to come on board and join us.
If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate of the Self Love & Nourishment e-course, earning 30% for every ticket you sell then click HERE. You’ll be helping us share the love and helping yourself in the meantime. Win win!
Photos thanks to Pinterest