Reflection. Do you like what you see?


In reference to my last blog post – I started practicing what I preach – focusing on the small things, taking the time to give thanks and be grateful, to honour the smallest of pixelated dots – and how my external reality has changed.

I was lying in the sunshine last Monday, soaking it up in all of it’s glory, basking, absorbing, when all of a sudden a feeling started to rise up inside of me. It made me stop and take note. I actually had to ask myself, what is this feeling? and then the ah ha moment came – I was happy. I was sitting juicily in happiness. I was acknowledging a moment of pure contentment. No thoughts of ‘to do’ lists consumed me, of having to be here and there, of working out this and that – I was just beingAnd how incredible it felt.

Things had shifted! Even as I type this I sigh a breath of relief and release. I mentioned in an earlier post that I felt I was treading water, the moment I was now experiencing was like floating on my back in the sea staring at the sun above without a care in the world. Bliss.

‘What we achieve inwardly will change our reality outwardly’


Our external world is ultimately a reflection of our internal. If you don’t like what you see, have a look at what you’re thinking and playing out in your head. What stories are you listening to? What conversations are you literally having with yourself repeatedly? As I said, if you don’t like what you see reflected, go inside and see what’s going on in there first. We have the power to change our reality at any moment and I don’t say this lightly. It is one of the most liberating feelings I think one can acknowledge and experience.

Just like a muscle you have to exercise, the mind is no different. The body is a holistic being; the physical is not separate from the mental. It is merely a manifestation of it. Therefore, if you can exercise a muscle to make it change you can exercise your mental muscle in the same way.

Such fitting timing as well, for Spring has begun. Everything shifts and cycles. When it doesn’t it becomes stuck and blocked. Just like Mother Nature knows when it’s time to let go and move on you too can move into a new cycle.

I invite you; actually I implore you to find your thing that helps you to exercise your mental muscle, to help you shift through and master your internal world so that you love what you see in your external.

How wonderfully liberating to have this power.

I leave you with this – How would you like your Springtime to look?


If you would like some tools and techniques on learning how to exercise your mental muscle – please get in touch, I’d love to share them with you.

Thanks to the lovely Aaron for his shot of the storm passing. Follow him on Instagram (search Purplemash) and Facebook