What the faaark am I doing with my life?

There is nothing worse than when you know you’re destined for something greater but have no idea where to start. When that certain something stirs inside your soul beckoning and insisting you pay attention but then leaves you with only vague clues as to what the message is.

And then there is the mind. The way it cleverly and detrimentally presents problems and rational obstacles, bullshit really, preventing you from having the courage to pursue what your essence is attempting to communicate. 

Stop chasing

There are however some things you can do to help yourself get clear.

First and foremost – if you ask the Universe for help be prepared to be open to the signs. Watch the thoughts that pop in, pay attention to conversations, signs, seemingly random moments. The answers are always there – it’s just whether you’re ready to hear them.

3 things that have helped me recognise my own passion are those listed below.


  1. It’s about the WHY, not the WHAT. When you’re aligned with your WHY life unfolds in a different way. I’ve spoken of this before –  when I get all heady about my business, crunching numbers, being business savvy the business gets hard. The successes wear off quickly. But when I return to my WHY, which ultimately is to be of service to others, to offer people the help and empowerment I receive from Kinesiology things flow with greater ease and grace. When we focus on the WHAT, on the label, it doesn’t work. Get clear on your WHY. This video is well worth a watch to help you understand what your WHY is. It’s YOUR WHY, no one elses, so it’s worth getting to know.
  1. The second thing is to tap into how you want to FEEL each day once you’re living your purpose. You can read more about this here. I can’t tell you what a difference it makes to how I live my life when I’m in alignment and making an effort with these 4 feelings.


  1. And the third, which really is the most important is to take ACTION. Take action on anything. I think we are so concerned with it having to be perfect, with failure not being an option, that we end up doing nothing. And doing nothing is so not cool. Doing and failing is better than sitting idle doing nothing. For me anyway. It’s a reflection of the faith you have in yourself.

A year from now

Another thing I’d like to note – I hit rock bottom before I got clear on my purpose, passion, reason for being. I got so off track that I was literally forced to stop doing life the way I was doing it. I was forced to surrender. It was in this moment of surrender that the message came through.

My point to all this, if you’re feeling at odds, lost, unsure – rejoice. The call to action often comes when we’re in that place of realness, rawness and complete vulnerability.


Remember, even if you fail, you haven’t really failed. Failure is perception. It is. Sometimes you don’t need to see things through to the finishing line, but by starting something, anything, it leads you to where you’re meant to go.

And above all else, have faith in yourself. When it comes down to it, it really is the most important ingredient.


Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.