7 simple things to do when you’re feeling blue, anxious & blah…
1. Go for a walk. Get those endorphins pumping. Clear the head. Move to music. Walk underneath trees. Soak up their life force. Jump in the sea. Marvel at everything around you!
2. Journal. Type. Get it out of your head and onto another medium. Putting pen to paper is incredibly cathartic. It does good things to the brain. And if you’re not much of a writer these days pound the keyboard for 10-20 mins. Get out all the blueness. It seriously helps.
3. Use EFT. If it’s really niggly, and the blueness won’t seem to shift use EFT. I find this incredibly useful when my mind seems hell bent on something. See my post here for further info on why EFT is amazing. And don’t forget to collect your FREE gift.
4. Reach out. Sometimes being totally vulnerable with people can be one of the toughest things to do. And sometimes it’s exactly what you need to do. Tune in and decide. If you’re holding yourself back because you don’t want to be a burden on someone ask yourself – if you would like to be contacted if one of your mates was feeling really blue? I bet you would. So man up and call them. People like to help. We’re wired to do so.
5. Break your cycle. If you’ve been lying on the couch for days, if you’ve been heading home straight after work and tucking into comfort food – give it a break. This isn’t to say that sometimes couch and comfort food is exactly what’s needed, but sometimes it can be the start of a cycle which is hard to break. Don’t let it get that far. Be conscious, be responsible. Help yourself.
6. Surprise yourself and do something different. Especially something that scares you. Something you can be proud of. Like dining out by yourself. Or going to the movies by yourself. Or ….?
7. Allow yourself to feel blue. Sometimes we just need to feel blue. It’s that simple. No need to over think it or analyse it, we just need to feel it and let it move through us. It’s part of being human. And if anything it makes us appreciate the times we’re not feeling blue. Often by not resisting the blueness, by allowing ourselves to go all the way there, we actually move through it quicker! And more gracefully.
If you feel like you’re really stuck and are in need of some serious movement and support then get in touch. Kinesiology is the absolute bomb for getting things shifting in the feeling blue department!
Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.
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For clients who would like to make the most of an in person session before I head off on my European adventure get in touch as sessions are filling up very quickly. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922