2019… how nice you’ve arrived.

2019… how nice you’ve arrived.
I know for so many, including myself, 2018 was a challenging and trying year. It was full of what often felt like trials and tribulations, at a very deep soul level. From a Chinese New Year perspective it was the Year of the Dog – which was all about hard determined work.
Thankfully though… the year passed, as everything does, and a new energy has been called in. A new energy which feels… lighter and clearer, with more truthful possibility.
Soon, we’ll enter the Year of the Pig which is all about revelling in the pay off of last year’s ‘hard work’. It’s now about good fortune, luxury, soulful and conscious indulgence… energetic riches aplenty.
So to make the most of this, we need to ensure we’re in right alignment for these prosperous and abundant things to flow to us.
There are two things, hands down, that are my saving grace in life. That keep me in right alignment, on path and in direct conversation with my heart and soul – even in the toughest times…
Kinesiology Sessions and Journeying to Meet my Power Animal & Guides.
Both of these provide direct communication with the highest truth of who I am and what I need in this moment … and they assist in clearing what needs to be released.
I’m back in clinic as of today. Come in for a session in January. Start the year off – right. Get cleared, get aligned and welcome in the energy of the pig, oink oink, come February.
Keen to meet Your Power Animal?
If I was to tell you, you have a specific guide who is an intermediary between you and …
The Universe/ Source & Your Higher self/ Spirit & Soul…
Would you want to meet them?
The best part of learning to Journey and Connect with your Power Animal is that you have, an always available Light Being to:
Give you guidance.
Support you.
Heal you.
Realign you.
Share wisdoms and truths with you.
Assist in clearing your crap.
It’s their sole responsibility.
The absolute best best best guidance comes from Source and Spirit. Not the mind or ego. And it’s through journeying to connect with your Power Animal that you’ll experience one of the easiest and most graceful ways to do this.
If you feel like taking the time to meet with one of your guides… come along Sunday 13th January 9:00-1:00pm. $120. Includes a Resonate Essence to take home for support.
And if you’ve connected with your Power Animal once before…
Come on Tuesday 15th 6:30pm – 8:30/ 9 pm… $20. Kick start the new year in the best possible way – receiving some love and communication from your Spirit Guide.
Please RSVP to secure your spot.
Remember, when we allocate time and presence to be with ourselves, to be with our Spirit, we are rewarded a thousand times over.
Make the time.
Follow through.
See you soon.
Sent with love & lots of it xo