Post Archive: November, 2016

Trusting your intuition. How?

I get asked a lot ‘How can you tell when it’s your intuition and not your ego?’.  And the very short answer to this is – You just know. Honestly. This is the answer. And I know how annoying this is to hear. When your intuition is speaking to you. You do just know. This doesn’t help much though if you just don’t know. So, I’m going to attempt to offer…

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Why you haven’t heard from me.

It’s coming up 3 months since I last wrote. And truth be told, I haven’t wanted to. On various occasions I have sat down, blank page in front of me, cursor flicking. To then promptly shut my laptop and go outside, and stare at a tree. I got off social media too. Apart from the occasional scroll, I was over it. Social…

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